Log 088 ~Pressing Matters For Will~

Not so worried about today as I am tomorrow, sort of a make or break moment and what will it lead to, more words and when those words are said, written, typed, will I be free, happy, or only stuck, so much on the way. “Pressing Matters For Will”

Friday, September 27, 2019

Log 088 ~Pressing Matters For Will~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, but I wanna be a Billionaire as the song goes. It’s as easy as pressing a button at the Day Job today. A Revelation if you will; also it’s my favorite book in the Bible. No, I haven’t cracked open a Bible in months, maybe a year. The closest I’ve got is the “Bunny Bible” in Dennis Hof’s book. It’s quite the enlightening read but as I’ve said, pressing matters. For example, one million dollars that’s my song of choice isn’t it “If I Had $1,000,000” by the Barenaked Ladies ha.

Hell, I have the chance to see a bare naked lady tomorrow. Why is it I’m worrying more about my dream job than I do the Day Job? It’s the difference between digging a grave and breaking through the glass ceiling as “THEY” say. To quote another song, “First let me explain that I’m just a black man.” I remember Chris Rock talking about being black in America. You for damn sure better be doing something positive (LANGUAGE). Something that both jobs have in common somehow. I wouldn’t say I’m doing a good thing now. Well, I wasn’t a while ago drooling over Violet Myers. It’s always research Lady Sophia. If I get a girl to do a shower scene, that means I need those pretty bottle washes. A girl’s make-up and hair will get screwed up in a nude scene. I’m learning, aren’t I?

The thing is I don’t mind worrying about such things, while on the Day Job I worry about everything. How about money, one of the managers begging me to come in tomorrow. I’m going after the Dream rather than the Day. So what was I doing going to sleep? I always feel so lazy. Didn’t I work seven hours for them but don’t want to give a moment to myself. Press a button and open a book to a great man. No, I instead continue to replay the words of people I hate. Of course, this leads me back to today because I don’t hate a million dollars. Lady Sophia, I want so much more, but I’m scared to go out there and get it, fucking comfort zone (LANGUAGE). I press pen to paper, so many buttons, my head on a pillow, but what am I saying or publishing SIGH.

Life’s Pressing Matters For Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 081 ~Ad It Up Will~

How much for a day off; it’s a price I don’t mind paying again and again and hell can I call this a vacation, got my modeling page up and running and one more ad, when is the profit I ask? “Ad It Up Will.”

Friday, September 20, 2019

Log 081 ~Ad It Up Will~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, at least in word form. Now maybe I’ve been too deep into my motivations lately. Of course, this happens at the Day Job between my Show Me The Money and Tell Me Something Good playlist. If you asked me WHY I do what I do, I have my furry firstborn lying here. It’s not jealousy or envy that I see MILF Dos going into business. Hell Lady Sophia, how many cosplayers do I follow nowadays? I still remember sending “The Rainbow Girl” a Pokémon and getting blocked. Again, I send Morgan a cash offer and remain among one of many followers.

So why am I so fearful over a craigslist ad? Yesterday I talked about heroes, gurus, and idols. Not to sound like A&W and his current wrestling craze “Iconic.” Let’s say I can have better stalkers not that I’m accusing him. Who do you think I am, “The Basic Bitch” (LANGUAGE)? What I’m saying is, in print, you have to stand up for yourself. If you are a jester, you appreciate the heckle. A business learns to roll with the punches. You know I’ll rep The Red Lantern, Tillie Cole writes incredible books, MILF Dos is a goddess but so is Morgan. 5-hour ENERGY can go to Hell because of my headaches. Walmart employees still laughed at me. Regal Cinemas was a humiliation too. I don’t trust Pizza Hut or McDonald’s but what’s in my fridge, what was for lunch?

My writing that’s what love is to me as always. Yes, I’m still coming up with freaky, creepy, skeevy ass names on Pinterest as always. What about Le Marquis De Sade, another infamous author? I’ve talked some about Todd Michaels “Begging For It” and S Wolf “Sex Zombies.” How about Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita” novel? Marquis De Sade though he inspired the term Sadism. All my heroes were notorious in some way. They wrote stories, produced films, ran brothels, or modeling agencies. So here I am wrestling with myself over a Craigslist ad. One guy already called me pathetic. “Indiana Gone” wasn’t creeped out. I can’t talk about these things at the Day Job, of course. How famous do I think I am? The question is how famous do I want to be; how wealthy and that I’ll leave to Tony:

So what’s the price Lady Sophia, Ad It Up Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 074 ~Will’s Hood Has Ideas~

Pop the hood, hell it’s too hot as is and I’m not talking about my car; well let’s say today is a beautiful day to stay indoors despite the sunshine day and as long as I’m removing clothes if I had a model. “Will’s Hood Has Ideas”

Friday, September 13, 2019

Log 074 ~Will’s Hood Has Ideas~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now and have even more ideas. Now which one of them is going to net me that million. I was ready to invest $5.00 more in my new business. Oh my writing, more like getting girls to take their clothes off. Hell one woman I got to do that started a business of her own. The eye doctor didn’t notice any change in my eyesight as I recall. So I’m ready and waiting as far as writing and women which brings me to you today. I’m still playing time traveler as today is Thursday. A man has to eat, so how do I get that done hmm?

As I said ideas for my book, I started off thinking thirteen faces. At least that’s what I told Indiana Gone, and I hate lying. The thing is I don’t know if I’m lying or not. It’s a good idea but getting five women to make an Ahegao face for the cover of my book? A real visceral experience and two birds, one stone. You know I hate that saying that a picture is worth such and such more than words. If I have learned anything a week after “THE Day,” sex sells. Of course, I’ve always known that Lady Soph. Morgan is still trying to sell those headphones of hers. A few nude pictures she would have all the money with change. Please don’t make me go into how much I do respect women. People pay to go to museums and admire art. The same will go to a strip club. What’s the purpose of the internet once again?

So my ideas, finding four or five girls to do an Ahegao face in person for the cover. Of course, I’m a greedy S.O.B so have them here to model, beauty equals profit. With that, I was down the rabbit hole, looking into modeling, adult entertainment, etc. Anyway, people say they give blood, sweat, and tears, to their passions. Water is the element that brings life. Do I need to tell you what other fluid does the same? Five fluids and five women though I can shorten it to four. Finally, there’s that Ad that I keep writing and rewriting. I swear Lady Sophia if it was for my book. There’s also my modeling agenda and doing the finances. Today friend, Will’s Hood Has Ideas.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 067 ~Will Hires A Musing~

So this is it and I don’t know exactly how I feel or how to express it apparently… do I need a doctor or a mortician, should I be directing a horror film or living it and tomorrow will come regardless. Will Hires A Musing, or a “Terminator”

Friday, September 6, 2019

Log 067 ~Will Hires A Musing~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, or I better become one Monday. September 1st was the goal, and with everything yesterday well? Positive vibes Lady Sophia, the law of attraction. As I named my motivational playlist “Tell Me Something Good” for once.

Have you ever played that game Fuck, Marry, Kill? When it comes to my working hours, I will marry my writing. Of course Fuck the adult entertainment industry and kill my Day Job. That’s something I shouldn’t say, again considering yesterday. I’ve said it often enough, the best thing in the world is to be loved. If not that liked, barring that respected. Not right, okay invisible, and after exhausting the idea, feared. I was invisible but why? Rule #002 states: You Are Not A Caveman. Still, where would we be without them Lady Sophia? A grunt here, a picture there, a word? I fuck (LANGUAGE) pixels all the time (FAP), or I used to you know. Again I would marry my words. More than anything I wish I didn’t have to make a sound. Suicidal on the eve of “The Day?” It wouldn’t be the first time Lady Sophia.

Let’s play another game. Would You Rather never be born at all or live my life? How about this, would I rather go back to high school and have bad grades on The Day? Or would I rather keep this moment and worry about going back to Hell? I’m damned either way as always. Can’t say that I’m surprised how this week has turned out. More law of attraction but I wasn’t thinking about The Day at all. I expected nothing and the world manifested shit (LANGUAGE). I’m sure that’s what my mom thinks of her oldest son. Would You Rather have your son or your daughter? Easy when it comes to my Olds. Ask the Day Job, would you rather have an eight-year employee who wants to work or anybody else, I’m fucked (LANGUAGE).

I’m more a Battle Royale, The Hunger Games, The V Games type of guy. Schoolgirls vs. Professional Models. Brothels, strip clubs, movie studios, filled to the brim. Notice I didn’t have any temptations today; I didn’t get much sleep last night. Yeah even when I’m not at the Day Job or with my Olds these days SIGH. Terminator, Hooker, Devil, to help with my life’s story Will Hires A Musing.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 060 ~Will’s Bookshelves And Coffins~

Another day living life, not the life, I didn’t even read yesterday, and I woke up at 4 AM with all the lights blazing in the house; my firstborn was quite confused, but he knew daddy was sleepy the end. “Will’s Bookshelves And Coffins” a short story

Friday, August 30, 2019

Log 060 ~Will’s Bookshelves And Coffins~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now and full of more business ideas. It’s better than having any temptations today though I had a fantasy about MILF Dos. There was also my Lawler moment of “The Puppies, The Puppies.” Relax, “Cherry” had dogs but still, not a day goes by without boobs. As valuable as all the trees that are burning in the Amazon. I should probably get political but oxygen and suffocating boobage by the right girl; flip a coin. Not like there are many of those around here, all my spending.

I wish I could say it was all on books and I don’t regret Raphael by Tillie Cole. Shock and ah or Nah. Hell I gave it five stars and need to write a review. A good idea, I should do that now, but there are so many stories. Do I want to tell you a sad tale; not yet. I could tell you a weird one or a gross one. Raphael had a thing for girls with long hair and watching them sleep in coffins. I also have a jonesing for nuns, well after watching the movie Virgin Territory, now that’s the life, Sophia.

Beats being afraid all the time. I read Rules Of Bennett by Ember Michaels. Now I haven’t been so shocked since Deliverance For Amelia by Bonny Capps. To have a genuine bad guy get the girl, the key concept being unwilling. Have I read far too many HEAs? Don’t get me wrong Amelia got rescued by a bad boy turned good. The same might happen for Aurora. Still, I read these things that happen to young women and feel like Tony Montana. I’m the bad guy and not to sound like R. Kelly, but I’m a bad man, that’s true.

My life is nothing to write about, but here we are Lady Sophia. I worry about liking a girl’s picture or sending a sweet photo, song, or video because I’m wrong. I write out fantasies to two girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. Now one thinks I’m crazy, and the other considers me a loser. I’m gross because I support specific movie producers. There are gaming communities (adult entertainment). In real life, I read about this kid murdering some girl because he didn’t understand rejection. Where does any particular word lead us I ask? Of course Will’s Bookshelves and Coffins.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 053 ~Black And Blue Will~

For the record, I only go to Walmart because I despise Target, though Target has cuter women and speaking of which “Indiana Gone” is one of my dearest friends and a strong black woman like my mom and sister. “Black And Blue Will.”

Friday, August 23, 2019

Log 053 ~Black And Blue Will~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now but only seeing red. What happened to green, I’ll ask GoDaddy when it comes to my blog? The only company I want to talk about today is Walmart. You want me to comment on your business, do well, and you have a 75% chance. Piss me off (LANGUAGE), and you have a 99.9% probability. Hell, I’m tempted to send this to Walmart. If it only wasn’t for my other temptations this morning. Katelyn May Nacon, Alanna Masterson, Jennifer Lawrence (As Katniss). There’s “Of Inner Demons” too.

Anyway, you know that saying about how mighty the pen is right? Nobody talks about paper ever. I’m sorry I’m not going to talk about the Amazon rainforest burning. It’s even worse I’m about to sound like Trump and whine like a bitch (LANGUAGE). Can I be grateful that I don’t have a massive bruise on my forehead? It’s more my pride that ain’t much. Writing serves as an eraser, for my rage, my pain, all the embarrassment. Yeah, one big edit which explains why writing hurts. I’m still not a masochist though which explains why I usually torture other people writing. Again people neglect thoughts of paper, the eraser, or whiteout. You see Lady Sophia even now, sadist that I am, I’m avoiding talking about inflicting pain. I was supposed to talk about Walmart, black people, and hate, SIGH.

I guess I owe you that much, so long story short. Yesterday at Walmart, I got over my anxiety and reached for a pack of bottled water. So I promptly smash my head against the metal bar. After getting laughed at by two “employees,” I walk away. Five minutes later this black family is laughing at me, so I glare at them as I walk past them. One of them says he’s so ugly. Another says he’s scary. Lady Sophia, I’m an African-American man. Whenever I get to thinking, okay my people aren’t bad, I got yesterday. I hate Trump but my firstborn and I; he hates other dogs. I won’t say I hate anyone; okay, my “father,” “the basic bitch” (WILL, STOP IT). There are reasons I don’t associate with other black people. When did I last dare mention a black chick? Lessons learned, “don’t be brave, have a little common sense.” Black words on paper, far better than a Black And Blue Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 046 ~Will Tell Better Stories~

Something to hold on to, a pencil, my fingers against a keyboard, hell maybe I just need to stay mad all the time; great stories come from pain, but it was all about pleasure, life hurts so much. Will Tell Better Stories

Friday, August 16, 2019

Log 046 ~Will Tell Better Stories~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now but not sitting in a jail cell. Not saying success is a bad thing. Indeed, whether rhyme or crime I’m a get mine. I have rules though Lady Sophia, 365 to be specific. There are also more unwritten which led to last night? Yes, I’m back on “FAP” again. Hell, it was the only way I was going to finish last night’s conversation. Now, did I need to; hell no, my friend. Yesterday I went into Walmart saying I would find my dream girl. I’m funny.

I wish I could tell you I didn’t dream last night. Remind me to stop watching walkthroughs of Wolfenstein: Youngblood. Jessie and Sophie with their dad. Abby and Lothar; I have worse dreams in the shower. Then again I could get paid for writing these things, so how does Tillie Cole do it I ask? I could have gone to bed thinking about her book “Raphael.” The Catholic church hurts children we know. What am I so worried about with my rantings and ravings these days. If I’m not reading, what about Heavy Rain? I guess I don’t need the stress. What about saying I spent $20.00 to see some girl’s boobs. Again a sweet release kept me from doing something STUPID. I was planning on buying videos from somewhere. Ruby Rae’s boobs plus Alissa and Rebecca, times Haley Pullos:

I want to tell you a tale about being a better man Lady Sophia. This morning I even read a bit about “William Tell.” If only I could keep my eyes on the target. Today that target is our conversation and cutting the front yard. Also, my best friend, a.k.a, my firstborn needs his nails clipped now. I wish I were a better person to “M Anime.” Cherry is looking at a hard time now; people suck Lady Sophia. I shouldn’t say things like that at all. Am I addicted, obsessed? Again some know me as worse. I said before I can never only watch porn I study. For example, Alissa, real name “blank,” model for “such and such” from, let’s say “Narnia.” I have to know the whole story, but no last night, my hand was busy, well elsewhere.

My stories usually blow Lady Sophia. Yeah, I don’t get horny, I stay horny, it hasn’t even been 12 hours. Today, Will Tell Better Stories.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 039 ~Will’s Going To Jail~

Last week it was an addiction, this week its bail perhaps if my dream is any way accurate and I have plenty, one is being a great writer but what writing have I done lately or more to the point editing, prison time is slow time? Will’s Going To Jail.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Log 039 ~Will’s Going To Jail~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, or that would be true enough. Indeed, what have I done to warrant any jail time? Solicitation, well no let’s say a modeling job. Same with hiring a new maid after “Okay.” Speeding, haven’t stolen any porn lately. Matter of fact, I got a response from Whitney Wright about her film “Prom Night.” Such a fanboy, Morgan, Jada Jinxx, I can continue. Not a crime though, hell Dennis Hof got women naked all the time. My son is doing well but not doing my best by him always, that’s Hell worthy.

So only last night I was dreaming about crime, something to do with the Russians. You know I believe every dream has meaning and purpose. I imagined something happened to Cherry once, and she disappeared for days. She’s fine only wasn’t talking to me then. Anyway, I’m not MR. Trump, I don’t run around with Jeffrey Epstein. With that, I know the guy with Vault Girls got in trouble for characters. I know some Europeans that would do time in the US. I still admire, Larry Flynt, Hugh Hefner, and Jimmy Stephens. Is the dream was telling me the hacker got more than I realized? I’ve had a few troubles with the cops that I never talk about somehow. Last time was a mistaken house. There was a suicide attempt years ago. I went to Juvenile Detention in high school.

The dream could be telling me that I need to grow up. What more do you want from me, Lady Sophia? From being “in love” with Jessica Rey/Alyssa Enrilé Power Rangers Wild Force? Now it’s porn stars Sandra McCoy/Kendall/Professor Kelsey Williams. Power Rangers “Femme Fatales: Extracurricular Activities.” Is my dream telling me I dig too deeply? As I said before, I’m not a stalker, but I need to know everything I can about a woman. Jada Jinxx, I found out she had videos on Pornhub for such and such an amount, how much did I offer? Whitney speaks the truth about her industry. Here’s some truth, I need to get back to writing or editing. If I finish our conversation, I’ll go pick up Chinese. I might even avoid the cops. Remember Pinterest troubles, my mom almost scaring me to death.

My dream felt so weird, and it felt like this weekend. Could I have plans GULP Will’s Going To Jail?

I Will Have No Fear

Log 032 ~Will Is Still Unwritten~

Waking up to pay a bill and then doing what that charge is meant to prevent, talk about addiction am I right, like buying meds and then going back to the place that made me sick; when will I write down “no more?” Will Is Still Unwritten

Friday, August 2, 2019

Log 032 ~Will Is Still Unwritten~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, but it’s not written down in any bank. One day I want to write something that isn’t betraying all of my motivations. Hell, I want to write my book that I should have sent off two months ago. I could say something like I trust people. Last night, for example, I had to check out authors from Outskirts Press. Today I should be doing some editing, but what have I looked up recently? Reasons to get back on Patreon, Vault Girls, and again my bank account.

I can tell you the Day Job isn’t mad at me, “Price Changes” SIGH. Didn’t write NO; let alone say it because “I Like Money.” I wish I could say I was watching a comedy but no “Fifty Shades of Grey” clips on YouTube. After our conversation, all I’ll be writing is receipts and how much time I’ve wasted. Now things could always be worse, but I refuse to give those ideas a voice. If anything if I’m not all “pent up,” I need to be getting something done, but you see where that gets me. I’ll have a lot of explaining to do when it comes to those Six Impossible Things. I swear that’s the laziest piece of writing. It never changes Lady Sophia, and we both know why. I want to say I’ll get at least four out of six, but I write fiction and not lies.

Okay so try to write something positive. There are people in the world worse than me in the “adult entertainment” industry. One of my favorite series got canceled, but I wasn’t the idiot who couldn’t find it at all. B III is his usual self, always helping me to get off my ass. Tomorrow always comes but again what about today? How about the opportunity to keep my promise and finally clean up the yard? My zombie/walker killing skills are still excellent. I managed to do the TWD Daily Challenge, and I told Brainbuddy the truth. One of my games is educational, “Bury Me, My Love.” I’m keeping up with the news but is that a good thing? Well I know how not to die but being black in America how do I change that ha?

The story is not over Lady Sophia. All of this which I call my blessed life, Will Is Still Unwritten.

I Will Have No Fear

Log 025 ~Out Of Ideas Will~

From fiction to the real world, though I always like to think I’ll be a hell of a survivor in the coming war against the dead, chances are I’ll be a corpse in bed, flipping a coin of what will make me get up, oh wait? Out Of Ideas Will

Friday, July 19, 2019

Log 025 ~Out Of Ideas Will~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now but not if I keep buying naughty coins. Using my money to buy play money; oh the irony. It’s like a writer writing about an author. I get it, but to me, it sounds like cannibalism. My last two stories, one character owned a bookstore. The one I recently finished was somewhat of a firebrand preacher. Wouldn’t you know it I fulfilled that lady preacher’s prophecy that I would somehow be a Reverend? Now I’m not saying I heard the voice of God. Still, orgasms are a divine state of affairs.

Yesterday I told Dirty Diana that I couldn’t take a naked woman only on that fact. It’s why I know Tessa Taylor Bang Bus “Everglades Adventure.” Cassy “Classy Cassy” SBJ or Maggie Green, site: My Friend’s Hot Mom. Before you nail me for being inappropriate, I respect all of the actresses. I even remember Lauren Cohan from TWD as Maggie Greene/Rhee. If anything this makes me better than most Republicans. I acknowledge evidence of wrongdoing. The point is. However, I keep doing it, over and over, twice today. The oldest crimes in the newest ways but that’s Inspector Echo’s call. I wish I could tell you a new story a happier tale. No, if it’s not naked girls, it’s fear. I think that’s it Lady Sophia, sex or hell Fapping makes me fearless. In a world full of mind-numbing terror, but I’ll do it myself.

I worry about my next breakdown when it comes to porn, so I learn to write some. My novels have the main character yours truly, of course. Usually, whoever pissed me off at the moment; at least three stories have the “basic bitch.” There’s a brothel featuring every girl under the sun, Unforgivable sins and tons of blood and/or an orgy. I don’t want to be Taylor Swift, either finding people to make me feel bad. Disney rehashes the same ideas, but like them, I want world domination. Another storyboard trope. Most of all though I want to quit sitting here with a hundred emails to read. Waking up only went I’m horny, hungry or damn near helpless. I want to tell stories of B III having a happy life. Not just guarding me in my depression if that’s what this is, I don’t know.

Help myself right, Lady Sophia but Out Of Ideas Will.

I Will Have No Fear