Saga 341 ~V Making The B-List~

Santa’s list… way too early. The Lamb’s Book of Life? And the government. I’m sure I’ve made it on one out of the three. I can list the bad things others have done but myself. Hell, one word, Braxton. So I’m going to… But V? V Making The B-List.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Saga 341 ~V Making The B-List~

Forgive Me, Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, so that must mean I only like counting money. Or should I say something pretty racist?

I want to say I’m not as bad as Cruz, DeSantis, Donald, the GOP, or MAGA. Hell! Who can keep up with all their crimes? As I time travel, I’m having trouble with my own. Inspector, not a day goes by. I don’t have something to love Braxton for. Even if it’s the fact that killing him is the only crime that matters to me. Hell! Today is Sunday, June 4, 2023. So who knows where I’ll be, come the day you read this. I get scared a bit. Only it was more for Braxton’s sake when he was alive. Who’d love Braxton, Inspector? Shouldn’t I be asking who’ll love Virgil? Do I? Inspector, he’s here… it ain’t enough. That’s one more worry today (sigh).

I would talk all the time before about what I would do to protect Braxton. If it ever was between him and the world… As the song goes, “He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus.” And I am not a god. My “begotten” son, my Pancake, would be safe. I would watch the world burn for him. Hell! I would burn the world down if it meant Braxton’s life, Inspector. Again I’m not that cruel? Do you remember “Aunt Lee-Lee?” Her husband “Uncle Anthony” murdered her on Saturday, June 1, 2002. Wow! Talk about hearing things from the grave, Echo. She never knew my son. But he set her straight, I suppose. I want to destroy the world, she said. Not on my to-do list

This brings us to today and the things I should be doing. Six Impossible Things? Inspector, I’ve already spoken to the “Man in the Mirror.” Four of those things… failures. And it’s only Sunday. If I were to do anything good? Become Virgil’s Daddy, Inspector? Oh no! I got Bitcoin, and why? Don’t I want to see my sin, “All These Things That I’ve Done?” I want to stay in bed and whine about everything I’m not doing, Inspector. Didn’t I set myself up at the dining room table this morning? Looking into the empty fridge and making a shopping list is not my cup of tea. Remind me to grab cappuccino mix. Listing groceries, ways to hurt, and being happy. V Making The B-List

857 Days Without B III, Day 298 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

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