Meditation 203 ~B It A Siesta~

Braxton only turned down sleep once. A siesta? A snooze? And that’s when I did my impression of Ironman. Braxton played Spiderman. But we weren’t heroes. Only men. But today, one man is a hero. The other is both villain and President. “B It A Siesta”

Monday, January 20, 2025

Meditation 203 ~B It A Siesta~

Hey Dad,
It’s Me, Baby B… And nobody else… Well, you’re awake, my Dad, a black man. Virgil’s at the foot of the bed, breathing.

Oh, and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And nothing else… If it hadn’t been for a box of garbage, you might have spent all day in bed. That would’ve been fine with me, Dad.

One more reason you miss me a lot. Do you remember how I would sniff every bag, box, and bucket you brought into the house? And how, except for Aunt Georgia’s, the best breasts, legs, and thighs came in a bucket or a box. Bringing home the bacon, right, Dad.

More like grandma’s turkey. And we didn’t have a lot of duck. We were more burgers and biscuits sort of men. But why all this talk about comfort food? It’s me, hi, I’m the problem…

Big Backs and then bedtime.

If that doesn’t tell you, I’m still with you. The Big Back era hadn’t even begun. And now, the time that you are in. You wish that you could hibernate for the next four years.

Daddy, you’ve been thinking about that since Sunday, January 31, 2021. I don’t know what to tell you. On one paw, I don’t want you to think about that day. But I know for you…

Humans are strange, you would say, after a nice long nap. Then we would go to your comfy reading spot, and I’d hop onto your lap or chest and snooze. Those were the moments of pure comfort, the ones that made us feel at home.

Humans were always much better in your books or the glowy box we would watch with my favorite girl, Dad.

But today, you’re Wide Awake. Am I keeping you awake? That’d be whatever you drank. Or is it the tears? Daddy, I don’t mean to make you cry, though again, I’d rather have you thinking of me than everything else. You and I, the man you would rather honor today, are great. While others… You’d say The Walking Dead if it weren’t insulting to zombies.

Daddy, how I remember those days. It’s one of the reasons I was somewhat surprised. As I joined their ranks. And all you asked was for me to be alive again. I mean, alive, alive.

Anyway… You’d say the other people are sleepwalking, but you love your deep sleep, Dad. So, Daddy, should we rest today? B It A Siesta

“Through pain I’ve learned to comfort suffering men” ― Virgil

1450 Days Without B III, Day 891 of Virgil’s Arrival

Always and Forever,
Your Son

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