Saga 124 ~Smile On Virgil B~

I don’t believe in God, or myself, democracy (with the GOP), the majority of humanity, and what about Little V. But I do have faith in B III. He would say, “well, you could have fooled me.” But any prayers I have, I save for him. “Smile on Virgil B.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Saga 124 ~Smile On Virgil B~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, but so was Kanye West, “Ye,” whoever last week. I wonder if he’s praying now, Inspector.

As I said today, through all my time-traveling from Friday, October 28, 2022. I don’t pray to any god. Hell! If you wanted to make me a believer, all you need do is save Braxton. That boy gave me everything he had his whole life. And what did I give him in the end, Inspector? I swear! Am I reading another dog grieving book or “Too Late?” I ask Braxton. To think, I have the audacity to ask for anything. My most common prayer is for strength every day. “Braxton, give me strength.” Wouldn’t it be more embarrassing if I were asking him to come back? Oh, we’ll get to that. But the worst is this Inspector. To protect Virgil. An insult, to be sure?

Every day I lean more and more into Braxton not being Virgil. I should be ashamed because that’s the one card that 2V has to play. That he might be my long lost son Braxton. Wow! Is 670 days that long ago. A year and a lot of change. But not for Banfield, ha. Still, I asked Braxton to guide my steps on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. V’s Vet Appointment. Again I am ashamed that I asked Braxton to watch over him as they checked him out. With me outside the room, sitting on the bench. The same place I learned B III was dying. And even as I was there to watch the one I loved most die. I call out to Braxton still.

At least I have the presence of mind to bring Virgil upstairs. He doesn’t need to see me do that. Does Braxton talk to him while I’m gone? Is he guarded outside without me there? Speaking of not being around… How long has it been since I’ve jerked off? Gross! Inspector, trust me, I know, but that is my alone time. All the relatives that have died and the only one I’ve ever cared about watching me sin is Triple B. Giving up Triple X. Inspector I did for quite a while. And by the time you see this, there’s No Nut November and NaNoWriMo. There’s no time for my happiness… please. There’s Virgil? I like to think B III’s happy. Smile On Virgil B

640 Days Without B III, Day 081 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 117 ~Boys Will, B, V~

I’ve never liked the saying, “boys will be boys.” B III is/was too much like me. And 2V, well, he hasn’t been here three months yet. The only women he knew were the ones I adopted him from and any “friends” in his cage. Boys Will, B, V

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Saga 117 ~Boys Will, B, V~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, so what if SHE’S A Gold Digger? Yeah, fuck Kanye West, “Ye,” whoever he is today.

Speaking of which, Inspector, today is Sunday, October 16, 2022. I have been time-traveling all day. But I can’t go back to the past, or can I… Braxton’s veterinarians? Inspector, for the record. I seem to have more luck with women doctors. Myself, Braxton. Anyway, I expect Virgil to have seen a doc by the time you read this. But we’ll get there. And I do mean we’ll get there. Because I haven’t been to Banfield since I received Braxton’s remains. For the third time today, I’ll call myself a selfish bastard. My boy cannot even claim his death; it was my failure and my disgrace. And to go back to that humiliation… The feeling of carrying my boy, that bag, my beloved son’s box

Virgil is not that. Not even close. But I remember when that guy doctor thought I was the worst thing. And now I have to carry V back there on his birthday. I hope. A checkup? He needs his nails clipped in the worst possible way. Braxton didn’t do well there. Understatement of the century. What I mean is he didn’t like people. What about Virgil? I guess I’ll have to see. B didn’t even like his aunt but, then again, like father, like son. He loves a pair of Yabbos. Seeing as how V doesn’t have his balls? I should read up about that. But I picked up a book on reincarnation. By now, who knows what I’m reading? I don’t need free time…

Yes, I’m still afraid that things may have happened at the Day Job. It would be last week. If anything, talking to you is an act of faith right now. Faith in and woman, Inspector? It’s my own fault, I know. Everyone loves Braxton and Virgil has his fans as well. Now myself? Well, I barely speak to Cherry these days, but I’m glad for her writing success as of late. M Anime has never been a particular type of girl. And that’s it for the women in my existence Echo. Again there are a few that could get me into trouble. Such is my anxiety workwise. Inspector, there are always my other interests, but I’m trying. My “sons” are better men. But for now, Inspector, Boys Will, B, V.

633 Days Without B III, Day 074 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 110 ~To B Boys, Virgil~

I wonder how many secrets Triple B took to the grave? If he’s up there, down there, somewhere, I’ll admit I’m ashamed. If he is reincarnated as Virgil… Well, the two of us haven’t bonded, really. We’re both just two lazy F… Anyway, To B Boys, Virgil.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Saga 110 ~To B Boys, Virgil~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means everyone wants to be my friend. I can count my “friends” with one hand.

Now my Braxton… have I cried for him today? I am time traveling a week ahead, mind you, dear Echo. You can also add that I’m a mad maudlin masochist for today. I’m gearing up for the fight I will have today with the doctors here. Only I’m not leaving this bed except for nature’s call. Ask V something about that. He needs time outside pawing, peeing, and playing. It’s not like I tell him anything that’s going on. I carry him outside to comfy spots and B’s old food and water bowl. Ain’t like he’s getting one of his own anytime soon. Hence me fighting today. If I didn’t have Virgil, I wouldn’t be anymore. My anger, anxiety, and naked ass, aren’t worth anything.

If I have learned anything, it’s the fact that everyone is trying to eff me over. Am I being a selfish bastard? Hell! If B III were here, he would prowl around, growling at my unseen enemies. Did I mention how much I miss having Braxton on guard duty these 626 days? Why would I ever sentence Virgil to that? He’s been here over two months by the time you’re reading this. Hell! Shouldn’t Two V and I be celebrating? Not even on a payday. Instead, I’m worried about the next two days when I go back to the Day Job. Am I still taking two pills? No, only one stronger one. If it doesn’t work… It’s not like I can pay for these eyes.

All in a bit of faith in those I chose. My “father” has his boys. Inspector, the AC is on. When Braxton was here, I sat him on the porch and said we only have each other, and that was that. Now I am unable to talk to anyone, even you, Echo. I mean, here I am, Inspector but wasn’t it last week or the one before I screamed of loneliness? See! I can’t share with anyone else as I did with Triple B. And yes, I have confessed otherwise. But he was the closest confidant. And with my anger at others and my indifference towards him, it ended. And with or without the doctors, I would still feel so discombobulated. To B Boys, Virgil

626 Days Without B III, Day 067 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 103 ~Minding B’s And V’s~

The last two months, but um, these last two days have all been about minding my p’s and q’s. The doctor that didn’t give a damn Tuesday. Trying to keep the Day Job. Cheating medical payments. But when it comes to the boys B and V? Minding B’s And V’s

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Saga 103 ~Minding B’s And V’s~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, so why bother minding my p’s and q’s? Hell, I ignored ten months of health, right?

It shows how much I love Braxton. I only ignored his life for about four days. Well, it was longer than that. But the moment I got a chance to breathe from my effing Day Job, I was all about Triple B. Yet it was too long a wait. Despite what the books say, I’m guilty. Inspector, I’m still making those excuses when it comes to Virgil. While I was out the other day… (sigh). We’ll get to that. At Petsmart, they continue to have the doggie NOTICES in the window. I spent most of last night comforting Two V from having a hacking fit again. He hasn’t in the past couple of days. Yes, I’ve been going to the doctor and pharmacy a bit.

Echo, a reason I’m not minding my p’s and q’s now. Let’s say I need to find a new Doc. Well, I won’t be, come later on today. It’s why today I’m up early. And the Day Job is no bother. Hell! It could be the drugs they gave me… ok, that’s bullshit. No insurance and over a hundred bucks. I was up at one in the morning dreaming the loopiest shit I know. It’s only been one day but is it helping? I’ve wasted a lot of money in this existence, Inspector. I’m starting to think I should accept this as my punishment. If so, well done. But with my Republican tendencies. I will fight about the money. “Real American,” aren’t I? Doubtful GOP

How about being an African/Black American? While I lay in bed after having such an effed-up dream. Starring Ice Cube, Tommy Lee Jones, Radha Mitchell, and Nickelodeon. There were also those two girls from that new movie “M3GAN,” the list goes on. So I thought about how that doctor blew me off yesterday and cheated me. Inspector, there was a good doctor there, to be honest. Remember B III’s favorite, ha-ha. Anyway, I was thinking of how black people are sometimes treated by some in medicine. And now I have to fight the docs over money they already took from me. On top of worrying about this medication. If I’m not watching Triple X porn of 2X/2B. Remember “NIER: FIRST ASSEMBLY?” Minding B’s And V’s.

619 Days Without B III, Day 060 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 096 ~B My Medication V~

Love didn’t save my boy. And his kidneys did him in for all the heart meds he took. Well, more like the point of a needle. Every time some doc sticks me with a needle, there’s that hope. Bacterial infection, nothing more. B My Medication V.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Saga 096 ~B My Medication V~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, meaning I didn’t become a doctor. I despise most people, you know. Par for the course.

But how about a course of medical treatment? Oh, and not for my mental state. I cried this morning once again. All about my doggy, but there was also my depression and disgust, oh I know. It’s part of the reason we’re speaking so late at 5:55 AM. Am I not feeling good body-wise? I’m not sure yet but let’s start at the beginning. Which was last Sunday. Inevitable. Inspector, I went to see the doctor. And surprise, surprise, they found a bacterial infection. I don’t fear the point of the needle. As fucked up as it seems, pardon my French. It’s when I feel the closest to Braxton. I’m not one for self-harm… several “attempts” in my younger years which is another thing, Inspector.

I’m getting old. My hand to God, I never wanted to see thirty-eight. Hell! If I had a choice in the matter… I sound like one of those people from “The Cabin at the End of the World.” And how did that turn out? According to the doc, I’m an ordinary old man, Echo. After a bit of blood and peeing into a cup… TMI? They found I had something to fix for $17.00. Oh, and the $175.00 for going in the first place. Now I’m on the bottle and taking drugs… medication, ha. Again I feel close to my boy. I set alarms and down pills twice a day. Before I forget, my ears got cleaned. Or should I say “bukkaked?” People do suck.

But I am listening to the doctor and taking my pills, and then what? Will I listen to Virgil Vivi? I couldn’t save him from the heat when there was no AC, and now Inspector? Honestly, I don’t know if anything is wrong with him. And this week, Inspector Echo? Fucking same excuse when Braxton was dying? I don’t even remember what was so humiliating when he was trying to tell me something was wrong. I can say to you yesterday was the most fucked up day I’ve had in Inspector. Humiliations Galore! It Doesn’t Matter! My love didn’t save my son. And it’s not love when it comes to Virgil. At least not yet. For the Love of Money (sigh). B My Medication V

612 Days Without B III, Day 053 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 089 ~B III > V~

My “father” “encouraged” me to read the book “1984.” He also had me read “Animal Farm” and the quote, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Such “A Great Big World,” and I’m worried about AC. “B III > V”

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Saga 089 ~B III > V~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means the only symbol worth a damn to me should be a dollar sign $.

Today has been all about pageantry, tradition, and symbolism. Like you, I’m getting sick of Time Travel. Today is Monday, September 19, 2022. And maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been watching Queen Elizabeth II’s Funeral all day long. I’m dead tired. Not funny, Echo? Hell! Not a day goes by that I don’t relive my son’s death. And by the time you read this, I hope Virgil feels better. Yeah, I’m hoping he’ll chill. I think he’d like to be put on ice. Again not funny. To be honest, he does need to see the vet with his birthday coming up in October. But that means I need the cold hard cash. But considering what’s happening an hour or two from now. Air Conditioner.

And that’s why I am ashamed. Roman Numerals were never my strong suit. Unless you’re talking about them someday making a Final Fantasy XXX. Triple XXX in general E, ok. First, it needs to be said that by the time you’re reading this, I hope I’ve gotten out of the Day Job today. Yeah, I need the money, but I can’t do what they ask Echo. I hate shoes, ok. Second, since I don’t have the money, who do you think is paying for the Air Conditioner repairs? I sound like a spoiled, entitled asshole. Daddy Wasn’t There indeed, sigh. Finally, for the love of money. I told him I didn’t have the money, and his friend fucked up twice. $630.00 flushed down the toilet.

Dammit! How much money has been wasted on me, and I don’t even know who I am, Echo? It could be worse. It’s like being one of those signs on a restroom door. That’s low. Politics? I know I’m a man. Inspector, I love tits, legs, and nice lips. My only confusion is what girl in the porn I’m going to blow my load to. Pornography, Echo brings zero shame. But the fact that I might need to hide what money I have left. I’m a man that can’t provide for myself or my… Was I going to call Virgil my kid? No, Braxton is my child, my son, firstborn. Losing him was everything. My “father,” Day Job, wants the rest. B III > V

605 Days Without B III, Day 046 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 086 ~No V8 or B3~

I think I’m getting how Charlie’s Grandpa Joe felt. Only it’s not candy that’s getting me up unless we’re talking Cameo’s version. And speaking of movies and music, “Pearl.” Yeah, she wasn’t healthy… in the head. And the rest? “No V8 or B3”

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Saga 086 ~No V8 or B3~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, but what is it they say, “if you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.”

The Princess Bride? As if you have time to watch a movie. As usual, the day begins with thoughts of your son. You wish those thoughts weren’t automatic, signaling indifference. Is that a win for Virgil? You’re still learning his language. Hacking up his lungs. Language-wise, it means he wants something. Hell! Maybe for me to remember his name? Yes, I called him Braxton yesterday. More proof of something being very wrong with me. Because of me, you’ll think about Pearl, Maxine, AKA Mia Goth. Um sorry? More like Fiona Belli from Haunting Ground. But for now, your only sin is dicking around at six in the morning. My crimes… what did I talk to Inspector Echo about? Oh, it wasn’t these Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING The Dog Under The Bed 3 by DJ Cowdall
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp My Poetry Book… SOON
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 005 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Failed (Day 003 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Speaking of failures rather than successfully reading another book. It can’t be healthy to keep reading about dogs. At least in the last three books, the dog has lived. People, however? Well, women. This gets us back to what I’ve been watching and what you’re doing now. Trying to stave off madness, misery, and the macabre with some big mammaries. Now you know that’s not healthy. But with how I was talking Saturday and what you’ll dread all this week. Wednesday is not going to be a good day for you, okay? Don’t lose hope. Yeah, we might finish this conversation on time instead of seeing how gross you can be. Or the book you want to read. Success as a failure. Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING The Cabin at the End of the World: A Novel
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp My Poetry Book…
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 003 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Why do you feel so bad wanting to read something else? The books that haven’t been about dogs were somehow justified. Amazon’s damn reading challenges. To feel accomplished doing something when there has been nothing. Can’t take care of yourself. That remains to be seen, but it doesn’t look good… so far. Obsession over everything but life and love. Lust, of course. But between Virgil and the air conditioner, you’re not naked… yet. Perhaps you should catch up with OnlyFans since all that writing’s done? How about writing down the dream I had, or you could go and see a doc, but you can’t or won’t. You can at least check. Because Sprite and chicken noodle soup… um really? Other food? No V8 or B3

602 Days Without B III, Day 043 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 082 ~B Lazy Today V~

Even after “All These Things That I’ve Done” to this body and mind, let’s not get into the soul. I’m much too lazy now. That’s the point. Existence won’t quit me. That would be ok if I was the Queen. Are people still talking about her? B Lazy Today V

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Saga 082 ~B Lazy Today V~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Billionaire right now, which means I can afford to be lazy. But since I’m lying and we’re talking today…

That would be Sunday, September 11, 2022. It’s like I’m back in school, which isn’t good. Hell! This whole damn day isn’t great. With 9/11, the fact I wasted all of E-Day week and the week after was horrible. Ok, that’s a guess, but Humiliations Galore, I bet. Do you know one of the reasons why I prefer the truth? Lies take so much work to keep up. Fiction isn’t a lie, but it is make-believe, and an author writes what he sees. And as the song goes, “smiling faces tell lies, and I got proof.” It’s called my book, which exhausts me looking at it. But then what do I call talking to you and the girls? I keep saying I’m not a prophet.

No, I’m a fucking Lazy Ass. I’ve talked about my greatest sins. Treachery, Lust, Sloth. Inspector, not a day goes by where I don’t think about what I did to my son. With my luck, I’ll be somewhere cold and dark. Another reason we’re talking now instead of the 21st. You know I need to speak to B again. But I won’t say today. The only reason I’m even up talking to you is, um… Well, I’m up. Sex gets me up doing Extraordinary, horrible things. The types of things I wish were only in some dark fantasy. I want to go back to bed. Yeah, like I ever left except for nature’s call. There’s barely food in the house, and why is that Inspector?

Hell! Virgil might die because of the heat or boredom. I shouldn’t joke like that at all, and I apologize. I was telling Braxton’s Aunt; that I’m not sure what Virgil even likes. But he follows my lead by sleeping and not wanting to get out of bed. Yep, it irks me. He looks at going outside not as an adventure but as somewhere to be fearful of. Who am I to correct him on such a thing? I was about to say I’m his father, but there is no chance in Hell, which is what this place feels like with every passing day. Have I tried escaping it? Not ever! I’m contemplating someone bringing food. Thanks, Cherry and Succubus Lord. B Lazy Today V

598 Days Without B III, Day 039 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 079 ~B Tripping Over V~

It’s hard standing on my own two feet. There are so many reasons, and the heat is a new one. And that’s considering I’ve lived in the south since I was about 6, and now I’m 38. Well, that’s trippy. Braxton met me when I was only 21. B Tripping Over V

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Saga 079 ~B Tripping Over V~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, and if anything, I’d ask you to watch your step this week. I’m not being a douche.

No, I save that for the little douche I once called my son, B III. Funny you can joke about something like that. Any tears? Um, you did have a nightmare; you were chased. Pro-Life. Yeah, I think I had enough of the media this week. One more reason you started with an audiobook and not any social media. I’ll tell you, last week it was like the world’s hellbound. If you’re going to Hell and make no mistake, you are. Sorry I made it one more week. But since you’re screwed anyway, it might as well be for something you did. Killing Little B. And what about Virgil? Can’t say I was going out of my way to help him acclimate. Six Impossible Things?

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING The Dog Under The Bed 2 by DJ Cowdall
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp My Poetry Book… SOON
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 005 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Failed (Day 005 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

No, I wasn’t tripping… cut to me about ready to smash the bedroom window with a hammer to get some air. When’s the last time the thermostat read in the seventies? Burning! Then there’s the fact that I left Virgil to that as I went out and let Humiliations Galore ensue. Whether it be going to PetSmart (to buy Virgil’s food). Or finding my way to Subway. And then when I got the window open well… First time I’ve turned down porn. You know what I mean. I bought a new OnlyFans subscription. This morning you were tripping over your dick for Presley @thesaviorswife. Amongst other things. Oh, much worse. You’re tripping over the big bed and out the window? There are Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING The Dog Under The Bed 3 by DJ Cowdall
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp My Poetry Book… SOON
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 005 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

And while you’re not busy tripping and falling in love with the ball, a fluff sleeping in the next room, he needs you… Hell! To save him, and you can’t even save yourself right now. Or maybe you’ve forgotten, and yes, we both did, that you’re sick. It’s why I bought another thing of Cranberry juice and a whole bunch of chicken noodle soup. Doctor? Well, between all that money your “father” “stole,” you couldn’t go. Today, tomorrow, Ah, life. Maybe you’ll trip over your underwear, and today will be the day your “father” calls. There’s tripping down the stairs and breaking the gate that would free V. Doesn’t it beat being chased and murdered by a Pro-Life activist? In Dreams. B Tripping Over V

595 Days Without B III, Day 036 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 072 ~Better B’s Advice V~

King Ezekiel was just “Some Guy” in The Walking Dead. And let’s not forget “Sum Dum Goy” in “The Last Dragon.” And speaking of remembering, Tuesday, September 11, 2001, “9/11.” Yet if I could give myself any advice on existence… “Better B’s Advice V”

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Saga 072 ~Better B’s Advice V~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, and you wouldn’t listen to a preacher anyway. A motivational speaker? Your father? You’d be dead already.

Well, that’s one thing that isn’t going away at the start of the week. The memory as to why either. Drinking, doing drugs, or your dick sucked wouldn’t help the overall problem, so why bother? You’re being STUPID! Hell! You’ll get only peer pressure in the mirror and Virgil Vivi’s eyes. No, you’re not there with him yet. Looking into his eyes and seeing who you want to be, ha. Funny that a long time ago… What? Braxton’s been gone 588 days. Virgil’s first month. Anyway, I made a list of things I learned from Triple B and then lost it. The only man worth listening to, and you don’t have his words anymore. What can Virgil say with nearly 30 days; Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE Finishing The Title The Dog Under The Bed, DJ Cowdall
  2. I WILL BE Finishing A Shopping Trip To Help Virgil Vivi Stay Cool
  3. I WILL BE Making An Attempt At Getting Anything Published To Make Some Cash
  4. I WILL BE VIGILANT For Sexual Endeavors, For E-Day, Somehow, Someway
  5. I WILL BE VALUED If Only To Myself By Finding A Prize E-Day
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT, So I Maybe The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Is it honest to say I did three of these things? If anything, you’re as confused as Virgil is right now. And getting as scared again. As V’s coughing fits have returned, so what now? I know last week was all about not learning from the past. A year of advice, experience, and learning for what? To be 38 and sound more and more like some emo teen every day. If you had your way, you’d go back to the day when you read the Basic Bitch’s words. Eek! What did I talk about earlier this week? A list of the worst days? Another list

  1. Braxton’s Death
  2. E- Day
  3. Tifa’s Mature Dress/Zoe Colletti, January 11, 2022
  4. Lesson 001 July 2, 2017

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING The Dog Under The Bed 2 by DJ Cowdall
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp My Poetry Book… SOON
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 005 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

While we’re on the subject of bad days and things you won’t be doing, like being a better American… Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Twin Towers, The Pentagon, Senior Year, yep. What about being a better friend? We could talk about Virgil being in his own room at the moment. Because being around you… Talk about seeing anxiety. V’s learned much. What can I tell you to do? I know what I want to say, but it involves closing your eyes. You could always go back to sleep. I finished a week of blogging because this week is going to suck. You could catch your breath after your toes curl or why bother at all, hmm? Breathing is so overrated. But Virgil? Better B’s Advice V

588 Days Without B III, Day 029 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,