This week? What was up with last week? And what’s weak now? I’m hurt, humiliated, and besides being always angry and depressed… I’m horny. The need to exist is a weakness. I had to help get Virgil to three last week. B…ware Any Weakness, Virgil
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Tale 113 ~B…ware Any Weakness Virgil~
To Will:
It’s the Man In The Mirror… And even though it’s Friday, October 20, 2023. Time Travel! I want you to look at yourself…
January is the worst month of the year, no doubt. With the loss of your son and all. B III. And you can never forget The Zoe Colletti/Tifa Lockhart Incident. Talk about your shame. You would rather talk about B, but can we not talk about you for once? Hmm?
September is next in line. How many weeks has it been since Emergence, Existence, Extinction? I didn’t have the courage for that last one. So yeah, thirty-nine still sucks. Ha!
October though? If there was any time to buy a mask, short of COVID… Did you even smile for Virgil Vivi’s birthday? Again, it’s Friday, and you’re still in bed. Resting? Or I am… self-reflection sucks with Time Travel. How about those Six Impossible Things:
- I WILL BE VIEWING Heather by G.C. McKay (Or…)
Unknown - I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
Unknown - I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
Unknown - I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 014 No Fap)* Real Girls Are An Exception
Unknown - I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
Unknown - I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am
All your weaknesses, sigh. Because even now, you’re adding more to your to-do list. Or am I? I’m sorry. I’m not helping you out other than canceling, deleting, and erasing this or that. One of your biggest weaknesses, no doubt. Well, next to this bed. Please! I’m not even trying to get up. And that’s after I took an energy shot. Sleep is such an addiction. Next to that, sadness. And we must remember that other S-word. But critics, AI, and the Average Joe. I’m weaker than the Average Joe… I didn’t take the highway. Indeed. Thursday, I was a coward. And come Sunday, you will be as well. Working? Sundays are becoming even worse. The Day Job and Braxton. But not Six Impossible Things:
- I WILL BE VIEWING Heather by G.C. McKay (Or something)
- I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
- I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
- I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 014 No Fap)* Real Girls Are An Exception
- I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
- I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am
Because I’m too weak to do anything this week. I slept through dinner at least three times. And then there was that plate of pizza bites. You can’t use Pizza Hut’s food poisoning as an excuse since I don’t go there anymore. But where else will you go anyway? Somewhere to make you feel strong. Once upon a time, it was standing with B. Strength and Honor—my brother in arms. I taught him that. He watched me, and he knew. My B III. Virgil though? He only lies around doing the bare minimum. All to maintain and exist. He’s three now. And by now, you’ve wasted two years for him. More like 435 Days. Ashamed? Yes. Because you’re the weak. B…ware Any Weakness, Virgil
994 Days Without B III, Day 435 of Virgil’s Arrival
BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,