Episode 283 ~Have A Ball Will~

I hate most sports except for the Olympics and Professional Wrestling; I have a ball watching them for the most part, somehow or another I find the balls to say that out loud because I’m no Handsome Prince. “Have A Ball Will”

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Episode 283 ~Have A Ball Will~

Forgive Me Echo,
How To Make One Million Dollars? Well, I wouldn’t mind becoming a STUD for Brazzers, Reality Kings, Fetish Network, or Pure Taboo. While I have the balls to say that, I want to be higher than those entities. As for those I’m not ashamed that my balls were ruling my thought process last night. I mean we have the potential of creating life be it the little head or the big head. Our fingers, hell every little step I take. Even in every single breath, I breathe.

Now my second sin for this week is where were my balls when I needed them most. I had to face down two of my managers yesterday. I didn’t have enough of them to tell my “friend” to shut the hell up. Or to tell one more manager how I truly felt. As for having enough. Whether that be my two or the cast I will eventually hire for my Movie Studio, Second Circle Creations. I mentioned before that Math isn’t exactly my strong suit. I’m reminded of a time back in high school, that I was fighting with some kid in French Class. Only the subject got turned to balls, and I said: “at least I have one.” Now that got a laugh and also makes me feel sorry for Trump! WHAT, we all make errors, but I’m not the president. I’m CEO bound.

Keeping in mind corporations have the final jurisdiction in this country. In my eyes, it always comes back to boobs. Either located on the chest, I am one, or I’m figuring out how to get more of both. Yes, I’m pretty selfish I suppose. Still anytime I get a free moment I’m thinking about cash to get this done. Of course, I’m spending even more cash on the cosplayer. I bought her a “bridal outfit.” Talk about high hopes but no. Make money and get her and a dozen other cosplayers to work for me. That’s including one that has a code for Adam and Eve.

Last but not least B always stands for my son B III. Only between my balls, quest for boobs, and balking at the notion of not doing so. I haven’t checked on business. So again being careful what I put out there in the universe, Willie and happy thoughts.

Like Bryant, this blonde from last night’s fantasies. Though more to the hardening point I was writing about Tiernan Hebron in my book. Now that Inspector Echo is my biggest sin (besides Rule 79). My nameless novel is merely a list of sexual fantasies. So for this and all of my sins, I ask forgiveness. For still wanting to work for someone else, letting LUST overtake COURAGE. For going back in time, for making the president human instead of the monster I know he is.

For me being a boob, spending bucks on boobs, and putting business aside for a little while. In exchange for Pinterest boards. Also banging my book; Have A Ball Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 282 ~Willing To Be Heard~

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, somebody loves me; positive vibes, for the future, “The Law of Attraction” and whatnot, tell the universe what you want, and I shall have it, even when we’re in the midnight hour. “Willing To Be Heard.”

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Episode 282 ~Willing To Be Heard~

Dear Future Wife,
How To Make One Million Dollars? We have noise-canceling headphones; our phones can translate. While meditating, I often listen to the sounds of the storm. The thing is with all the motivational coaching and affirmations, what I need if anything, is to hear I’m okay. See even now I want to say all sorts of things, and I can go on binging of positive vibes. Be careful what you put in the universe and what not. Only I would feel as though I was failing. Still, if I could tell you anything and you told me, Will it’s going to be okay.

Makes me sound like a hypocrite I know. I’ll also listen to just about anything, take music as long as it’s not anything gospel. I got you, and if anything, that’s the only real miracle I need. So I’ll Thank You for Loving Me. I’ve listened to half a dozen dogs that I love warn me of anything and everything. Though B III being my son, I have been thankful for every little noise that keeps him with me. Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin), I think that’s how I hear people most of the time. That’s how they might listen to me. And then they wonder why I no longer pay attention to them. It’s why they don’t understand me, now or ever.

It must make me sound mighty selfish that I give myself over to my work. How do people say, a penny for my thoughts and I rather keep that? I am telling them to keep their two cents in their pocket. Wait that’s charitable. I don’t need it, and math has never been my strong suit. I’ll have one ear of you my wife. I know Triple B, and the rest of the kids will have the other one. Only you, listening, hearing, and understanding me though is worth far more than the masses. No disrespect to my fans, but with you I’m unscripted, unrehearsed, unburdened. I’m starting to sound like someone out of 1984 an Unperson. I have to think that every day with you I wake up a new man, yes a better one, if only to speak.

I want to laugh freely and not worry about anything. I want to open myself up and not have a door slammed in my face. Those Saturday mornings and especially in silence My Love am “I” Willing To Be Heard.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 281 ~Fight Or Flight, Your Choice~

At the Day Job, what’s wrong with “being,” if I had anywhere else to go; if my motivations, mentors, and musings agree on anything at all it would be that I have to Fly Away, Run Boy Run, hey, hey I want to be a Rockstar. Fight Or Flight, Your Choice

Monday, April 8, 2019

Episode 281 ~Fight Or Flight, Your Choice~

Eightieth Rule Madam Justice

How To Make One Million Dollars, or with my current way of thinking, what will I do with the money? During my Meditation today, I imagined a vast yard for B III to play in, cut to a negative thought. A pool but I was more worried about him, the plights of a father isn’t that right? Also, can’t wait for this next season of Cobra Kai and so I envisioned my dojo. Only for me, I’m nobody’s sensei, and words are my way of fighting back. Still, I took Karate when I was younger. “I know Kung-Fu” as Neo put it, just positive vibes, and Best of the Best.

Such dreams take money Madam Justice, and these pages I write will be the beginnings of my wings. They will be my escape, and you know besides having a motivational kick. Now that is an excellent way to put, with words time flies. You’ve heard me talk enough about the “white room.” Living in stories I read, the novels I write, and most days TV serves as white noise. Only the tales will soon turn green with money giving me the strength to fly higher. Now I’ve never imagined myself the hero, but a protector of what belongs to me. My son, women, and yes we all have things we value. However to keep Triple B wrapped in comfort, to make women’s clothes fly off their bodies. To be careful with all that I possess?

I thought that fighting was the only way. That it makes one strong and make no mistake, I will. See something my father taught me inadvertently was that HATE is a DEATH SENTENCE. Now, who for, is up to you, but when I stand, I don’t fight to fight. No Madam Justice as Bill told Beatrix “I’m calling you a killer. A natural born killer” and I don’t want to. I am no coward but if I can run to preserve life isn’t that preferable? Call me a pervert, skeevy, ugly, a freak but STUPID that’s the doomsday device. To me that is betrayal, that’s circle nine Treachery. The worse crimes you could ever commit: One is the destruction of the soul, two would be the taking of life. As for Number Three, in any case, the ignorance of evil.

Don’t get me started on the Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice Debate. For the record I’m Pro-Choice. Only when you make it so a person would rather die than exist, that’s destroying a soul. Oh, and when I say taking a life, I mean that of the innocent. Madam Justice sigh like Negan said “I like killing people…” okay I’m losing track. Ahem fight or flight, why is there a need for one or the other. Yes, it’s because the world is how it is these days.

Seek out a kingdom worthy of your soul and when one loses theirs? That’s why some dream of Heaven. Others lock themselves in Hell but remember to keep the key. Brothels, love hotels, movie studio; Fight Or Flight, Your Choice.
I Will Have No Fear

Episode 280 ~Hard Times Will Spent~

I’m a hard man, and for once I don’t mean that in a pervy way, or as a detriment, more like my fingers are hitting the keys, I have a roof over my head, last night went on forever, I was writing. “Hard Times Will Spent.”

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Episode 280 ~Hard Times Will Spent~

To Will:
How To Make One Million Dollars, paper, pencils, and pens. How about keyboard buttons, and metal chairs. Everything I am grateful for today. So much allowed me to get three thousand words down last night. Of course, your hardhead is still on the idea of fists which you didn’t have to use. More and more “research” and finishing the “The Secret” this morning on your Kindle. Another way of looking at Hard Times.

I suppose that’s why we have warm cuddly puppies like B III. It’s fantastic that you remembered to be thankful, grateful, and pleased with how the day started. After that binge until the early morning hours. Hoodies aren’t armor; they are all kinds of comfy though, and so is sunlight on your skin. The Den’s loveseat, you have plenty of wrestling to watch before WrestleMania tonight. Even now you think you should lie down because this way of thinking is weird. Positive but the world is hard which means you have to run a little bit faster to escape the negativity. So, Six Impossible Things:

  1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 008 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Failed (Day 005 No Fap)
  2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
  3. I Will Write 10,200 Words For NaNoWriMo
  4. I Will Review Crave (Addicted To You #1) K.M. Scott
  5. I Will Enter The Mythic March Short Story Contest
  6. I Will Finish Reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Meditation is hard because you’ve made your mind like an insane asylum, keeping the madness close. A prison inside because you’ve seen prisons outside. You remember Chief Miles Edward O’Brien, the prison he created of his design. So when you meditate, you throw all the goodness you can into the universe. Imagining your bedroom, bathroom, personal arcade. It’s all there coming into being. A Million Dollars is cold hard cash that’s going to get you that cushy lifestyle. These long nights in your chair will bring so many leafy pages between hard covers and paperback too. Though there’s something else pretty much rock hard is buried now in sweat pants. Still doing Six Impossible Things:

  1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 005 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  2. I Will Be The “Father” My Dog Deserves
  3. I Will Write 10,200 Words For NaNoWriMo
  4. I Will Review Crave (Addicted To You #1) K.M. Scott
  5. I Will Enter The Mythic March Short Story Contest
  6. I Will Finish Reading The Five by Lily White

The Secret is, if anything, just feeling good. Next projecting those feelings onto the universe. Telling it what you want and knowing it’s delivered, like checking Amazon orders in a way. In so doing you will have a plethora of hard times you are looking forward to Will, the best. Today you should enjoy the softness. Haribo Sour Goldbears has a new sponsor with this season of NaNoWriMo. You can do some reading and writing if you finish all that wrestling. Now ranch wings aren’t hard on the tongue. They are excellent restaurant material now.

Clocks, Watches, your phone, should be hard only not the time inside them. There are always More than enough for you Hard Times Well Spent.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 279 ~Make Me Smile, Will~

Easy Street, that’s the perfect way to sum up my day, no day job shift, food in the fridge, and 2,600 words for my novel, and I’m not sleepy, as my motivations say, your purpose is the thing that stops time, so look at my face. “Make Me Smile, Will.”

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Episode 279 ~Make Me Smile, Will~

Hey Lady Lu,
How To Make One Million Dollars, bottle up this feeling I’m having right now. Dare I call it HAPPINESS. I was listening to this Brainbuddy recording the other day. It was talking about dopamine “pleasure” knowing control in the body. Now I’m no doctor, and that’s okay. Still considering everything that flows in and out of people. The moment I got to work and realized I didn’t have to stay today, wow.

Felt better than any orgasm, and when leaving work makes me feel like this? Talk about 7 Minutes In Heaven, The Rapture, or The Divine Comedy. A spiritual experience, never known in the church. This morning I was struggling to throw all the best I could at the universe. I did my “Morning Routine,” got some fresh air with B III, did the Law of Attraction hypnosis. Now I didn’t fall asleep per se; I set my alarms just in case. After all that, I was still fighting my emotions. About my day job, my “father,” life in general, it was touch and go there with NO FAP. My stress level was going all over.

So like I’ve been doing every day, my dominant positive thought has been “I Have A Million Dollars.” That’s it “I AM Rich,” “My bank account is full,” “There is more than enough.” Fighting off the bad vibes. As for today, my work shift got canceled. I didn’t have to see my “father” at all. I even had enough to get myself a treat. So do I take this as the Universe responding to my wishes? I AM grateful for this day. Triple B is staying healthy, my million has arrived, and more is coming. I got a good night’s rest. Let the Universe hear me; it’s on my side isn’t that right Lady Luna.

Yesterday was hard, so of course, I needed to do some significant asking. Yes at the end of “some” days, the good outweighs the bad. Only I choose to believe that a genie is watching my back. Um, I still admire Will Smith. Is there anything else that makes me want to smile today. How I imagined my bedroom, my private shower, having my home theater. There was a guy today who even said my car must run pretty fast.

No time machine but like Terminator 2 Judgement Day I face the future with hope; Universe, Make Me Smile, Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 278 ~Need Willing Positive Vibes~

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes, something I’ve heard this week. When I put myself into a “Happy” place I feel it and today; this goes against all my motivations, but people don’t want me happy. Need Willing Positive Vibes.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Episode 278 ~Need Willing Positive Vibes~

Hey Lady Sophia,
How To Make One Million Dollars, non-lethal erasers. Now you’re not Inspector Echo, but I feel I owe myself an apology. For all the good I’m attempting, and it’s as if, well you know I repeat myself, a lot. I want to rewrite my life story, and people won’t let me so?

Well, take my new novel for example. Today I intend to reach Chapter Five “Sorry, She’s Out Of Stock…INGS.” Even though the words are pushing through. I know this journey will be worth it, positive vibes. Despite an almost midnight hour, Chapter Four “You Sale Me Something Good” was started. Writing does make me feel proud of myself when I don’t stop. I even see the story coming together, in its strange way. Now I thought I knew the definition between good writing and terrible. Lady Sophia I worked it out today, and I realized that I wasn’t even close.

Horrible writing is when I was sitting in the breakroom today having to write out my schedule. Talk about archaic but then literally posting it on the wall. One, because management is a bunch of liars. Two because I enjoy humiliation, and three, if not that, indifference. It’s writing and having to reword everything and Lady Sophia I am grateful. I am putting the method of “The Secret” into practice. Catching myself in some terrible thoughts and replacing them. You know I talk about honesty even in my fiction. Only nowadays I’m either lying to myself or like PORN; I give in. I’ll allow myself the horniness, or in the case of work, I accept the rage, madness, and stupidity.

Stupidity, the only thing that snapped me out of it today was the FEAR of what would happen next. All the vibes I was putting out there in the universe, and I’m sure I missed “something.” Still, the worry is working its way up and out of my life. Unlike the porn but as I’ve explained before; research. The scene with the schoolgirl and the guy in the bathroom. I could find it in two seconds, but I’ve avoided “adult entertainment” for the most part. Not Pinterest, Instagram, or a pretty girl’s Snapchat. How dare I forget my pornographic story as I’m so “relaxed.” I slept too long, my Brainbuddy routine, meditation music. I am getting ready for the writing that needs doing. A story I can rewrite Anytime, So I Need Willing Positive Vibes.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 277 ~Green Around The Willie~

Still all about these redheads today and more so my green, how did Lance say in GTA, “your green and my dead brother’s white lad.” and yes I know he was referring to drugs, but we all have our sickening vices. Green Around The Willie

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Episode 277 ~Green Around The Willie~


Come In Dirty Diana,
How To Make One Million Dollars, I suppose being ALIVE was Adam’s paycheck. For naming all the animals in the Garden Of Eden. I should work on my names and titles; this one was gross. Only less than “Blue Waffle” and is Fleshlight’s “Classic Pink Lady” crude, sounds classy Dirty Diana.

So when I dream about green, besides shoving Ruby’s panties aside. It was more to the point of my fantasies being slightly “sick” by “usual” standards. You know I’m reading “The Secret,” and I’m still listening to all my other motivations. All suggest you act as though you have what you want. Okay, I AM a Millionaire, (aim for what you want, I promised a million by September). Anyway, I AM going to Carson City, Nevada, that’s where all the brothels are. Now there’s one, the Mustang Ranch and a particular suite The Princess Room. However, what sort of man would choose such a room? There are, of course, other bordellos. The Moonlite Bunny Ranch and what is it with redheads and me these days? Nevertheless possibly my “worst” fantasy is that of “Ravishment” shudders.

I should calm down but remember how I’m all about redheads, Alice Little, Ruby Rae. There’s Courtney Carmody who I’ve done more “business” with these days. I’m sticking with the positive vibes. Again I AM a Millionaire; I AM a Pimp, I AM Powerful. You know the type of power it would take to get some of the hottest cosplayers to work for me. How much green do you think that would require. There is always more from guys like me. Diana, that of course, is the dream. Still these days it’s sickening to look at a woman as; there are some choice words. Well hell in my case I’m pretty damn good Dirty Diana.

There was a time I was all into getting down and dirty outside. One of the very few reasons I’m into camping, fishing. Making love under the stars or fucking like beasts in the grass. What about my “bad” ideas of voyeurism? However, these days the only thing I’m lusting for is “Dolla Dolla bill y’all.” That’s all I was doing at work today. I have created a playlist about my abundance of money, affirmations of wealth. I felt no fear of spending it today on Court. I’ll get the MILF to talk to me again at some point. Pretty women Green Around The Willie.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 276 ~Will Up’s His Game~

Too much helping myself but also too much self-help between, Spotify, Addiction beating apps, and books about the law of attraction, life is a game and keeping up the positivity I’m winning, I am, I AM. Will Up’s His Game more and more

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Episode 276 ~Will Up’s His Game~

Forgive Me Echo,
How To Make One Million Dollars, become a life coach, a motivational speaker. Hell, why don’t I go all out and do what that lady says and become a preacher? I’ll have a YouTube channel like Tyrese Gibson. There is plenty of help just waiting out there.

If anything I’m finding that positive vibes can be as exhausting as the negative. So that’s why I don’t do self-help too often. Only isn’t that what this is, and my first sin today. Well beyond repeating myself is looking to God. You’ve heard this story before; I hate how my “OLDS” look at religion. Now I “worked” in a Christian bookstore for a bit. I mean I was heavy into it. I signed paperwork; I named characters for God. I read all I could. Nowadays I can’t stand the concept. Still, that isn’t to say I don’t take to heart a lesson here or there. A few spoken from Tupac Shakur. Another and another from Father Gabriel, The Walking Dead, The Battle For Alexandria.

When I couldn’t find God’s love and don’t get me started on his people, I wondered why no one ever loved me. Once again I turned to books about how to find love, making someone fall in love with you. There’s loving yourself only to the point that others could. Of course, this led me back into my poetry phase. I sound like a broken recording here, but it worked; for other guys. Lawmen are getting laid right now because of my work. It was like that time I did LSD and wrote nonstop about the “Winx Club.” In retrospect, it was somebody with a love of money. Even now I’m listening to a few motivations about that same thing. It keeps me way high.

Now that’s something else that all my motivations seem to have in common. You must become addicted, obsessed with self-improvement, with growth. Women talk a lot about not being good enough. Men can feel the same. Just now I read “We’re not porn addicts, we’re porn addicts in recovery.” Yes, thank you Miss Jessica Nigri and her Hermione Granger Cosplay. So yeah when it comes to my next sin besides not lasting a day of No Fap. You should have seen me on the first; I’m back on Brainbuddy. Now on a subscription basis, Patreon as well. No porn but a naked redhead am I right? Still reading The Secret and then I have to start back with my erotica reading group. You have to throw what you want out into the universe. At the day job, it’s always a million dollars Inspector. At the store, it’s a pretty girl.

It’s so hard staying up Inspector Echo I swear. Some things I have accomplished. I did three thousand words last night, five thousand the day before. I’m ahead in Camp NaNoWriMo so far. I even stood up to my General Manager. As for forgiveness, I’m still seeking help without, instead of looking within myself. I know I’m stronger than this, or I should be. So yes Will Up’s His Game.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 275 ~But Will I Love~

I hate my day job so I’m always ready to run out of there but I love my writing, and that’s why I’m sitting here at, what time is it; and of course I wouldn’t leave the right woman, won’t go getting tired of her. “But Will I Love”

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Episode 275 ~But Will I Love~

Dear Future Wife,
How To Make One Million Dollars, well movie seats are getting comfier. I can’t say that buying furniture is my forte. One day I should give it a chance. I’m always tired, and B III has a bunch of cozy spots. I’d make falling in love easier.

“THEY,” say it took everything for Malcolm X to kneel before Allah. My backside still hurts from being knocked to my knees before the altar. (Why I don’t believe in spanking children; another story). The fear though. I was scared I would hurt Triple B being on his level. I was terrified that I wasn’t enough when I got down on one knee for you. For now, with our other kids, I know I don’t have all the answers. Scraped knees, falling ice cream cones. You know how I am cleaning. Still, while I want to be the dad that reads to them every night, I again worry. You know maybe this is why Santa only does it once a year, getting the big plush chair. His suit made for more than warmth. You know I hope you’re sitting down for this one. The truth is simple and like most truths offensive. LOVE IS EXHAUSTING.

Is that a mean thing to say? I don’t love my Day Job that’s why it sucks having to take breaks. I was ready to yell at my boss, so I wasn’t “having a seat.” I hate that sound of my knees cracking as I’ve been there so long. Love is when I kneel to pet B III. When I hold him in bed as he cries because I don’t know what else to do. Every refilled dish, rubbing his belly, playing the monster when he wrestles with his toys. Again being the father who knows someday the kids won’t need me to read to them. How about being told to sit in waiting rooms for a variety of reasons. Don’t let the kids be like me. Trips to Disney and Universal, did I tell you I hate Space Mountain?

Standing beside you was simple. In comparison looking back how lazy was I when you brought our kids into the world. Such is the strength and courage it took to hold them. There are some jobs, privileges, and honors a person can’t fail. To be weak, to not be perfect. I hold no delusions about myself, but I still cleaned for hours. I don’t want to be sick. I have my real work, my reading, and writing. It’s incredible you read as much as me. Saturday’s we still lie here listening to “Nuclear Pop.” As if I’m living in those days of “The Cold War.” I have to shut myself away from you and the kids in my; not Man Cave. I will forever be a traditionalist, my Study. What did I say; furniture shopping?

What is it “THEY” say about good deeds? I Love You; kids can be a pain in the behind. One kid has fangs. You needn’t ask But Will I Love?

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 274 ~Necessity The Mother Of Invention~

The universe brings what you need, I said I needed time, to relax, and the grind and while I’m not going into everything I did today, five-thousand words needed to get done and my novel is starting. “Necessity The Mother Of Invention.”

Monday, April 1, 2019

Episode 274 ~Necessity The Mother Of Invention~

Seventy-Eighth Rule Madam Justice

How To Make One Million Dollars, as you know, I’m discovering new teachers daily. How I wish I collected mentors as fast as I collect pictures of breasts. Only it was two pairs sent only to me that made me break my fast. Not that I’m getting down on myself, positive vibes, good thoughts. Like The Secret, teaches. Still, like porn it’s unavoidable. It’s like my anger at the day job as always Madam Justice.

Becoming a better “person” is necessary, and so I seek out the tools to get it done. Now I know you’re not Lady Sophia. Nevertheless, The Secret continues to speak about the law of attraction. As I said yesterday, things I once thought impossible have now “manifested” here. As far as my inventions, I’m still working around and without energy shots. So sometimes I keep my mouth full of candy. Can’t start choking, silences a few choice words on my tongue and a lot tastier. I should also add that today is the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo. Today was quite a brainstorm finding something to write now. Want to talk about my goals, Fifty Thousand Words sounds about right?

What about all that time I spent writing that story about TURKEYS taking over the world. All that was all written by hand somehow. However haven’t I said, that writing will be my escape. Now turkeys can’t fly; yes, I looked up that question. Do you think that God created Jesus to understand humanity? To know life one must experience this our human condition? No, I’m still not a Christian believer. From now on I’m a believer in me? Didn’t I say yesterday that I would; damn, you see this goes back to all these new teachers. The Secret teaches one to FEEL. Only Hemingway will still flag me for being unsure of myself always.

To be a better man Madam Justice, every week it’s at the top of the list. Another teacher suggests that writing those things down is terrible. I should take on the concept of Pinterest, Spotify, or YouTube. What I see, hear, and speak the most is what comes through no doubt. I can realize the value of meditation in my daily grind Justice. There’s a need for that true silence for a world full of noise that fills your head. I write every day, so I can one day spend my time sleeping without a care in life. Whatever it is that I need to win at life finally. It’s as “THEY” say Madam Justice, Necessity The Mother Of Invention.

“You will attract everything that you require” ― The Secret

I Will Have No Fear