Tale 246 ~”B” Cause Looking Virgil~

I look down for a few reasons, but the ones I like the best… when I wasn’t carrying Braxton, he was running around my legs. Or I could be looking at my new home when I die. And B wouldn’t go to Hell. But if I were there…” B” Cause Looking Virgil

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Tale 246 ~”B” Cause Looking Virgil~

To Will:
It’s the Man In The Mirror… and is there anything worse to see. Medusa? My son’s cold body? Things with your Enormous… manhood.

For once, you can’t say that B was the first thing on your mind. Nope! Waking up at two in the morning with all the lights on, there was stress. And when you’re stressed, you…

But Braxton was/is the same way. You know why he loves his Aunt so much. Is there anything that can’t be fixed with a pair of… Yeah, they can’t bring back your son B III.

You’re sitting here in bed looking at Virgil. Do you think Braxton was talking to you the day you found Virgil? Except for the “Enormous P” song… That definitely wasn’t a sign from Braxton. But everything else seems to be. Your week has only just begun. But following Braxton was my existence. Better or worse

That was in the vicinity of fifteen years or such. You must leave out the few months your sister was supposed to meet B III’s needs. More like a few days when she was handing out a schedule. Or when I had to sit on the couch and watch until B used his potty pan.

I was always looking out for him. Until those last few days of January 2021. When I was so blinded by wrath, ruin, and rage that I couldn’t see Braxton’s pain. God, so much hurt!

And now, every single day, you’re looking for B. And your reason is? Anything, Anything! What do you see or hear from him today? Or were you lost to your sins? Forgetting Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Losing A Pet – A Book of Grief & Recovery, etc.
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 003, No Fap). Real Girls Are An Exception
    Failed (Day 001 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

I failed number two because of… well, look at the pictures on Tale 245 ~Virgil’s B’s In Math~. I have a particular theme going with men and women. And I suppose you’ll follow suit, won’t you? I’m the last person you should be looking to for advice. That’s no secret.

You should ask Braxton for advice on Thursday or every day. Maybe? For sure, Ha-Ha! His eyes were much easier than looking at yourself in the mirror and saying, “Yuck!”

Like you thought before, it’s like looking at Medusa. The body… keep the monster kink to a minimum. But seeing the eyes turns you to stone. Fear, fury, and knowledge that you don’t see a friend. Virgil doesn’t see a father…” B” Cause Looking Virgil

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Backyard Dungeon 6 by Logan Jacobs
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 001, No Fap). Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

1127 Days Without B III, Day 568 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

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