Tale 121 ~Prisons Have Many Different Forms~

I was arrested once when I was young and STUPID. I’m not young anymore, but STUPIDITY is a virus. I’m infected with it. There’s also Depravity, Fear, and Pain. And for today, at least, Sadness encompasses them all. “Prisons Have Many Different Forms”

Monday, October 30, 2023

Tale 121 ~Prisons Have Many Different Forms~

Three-Hundredth And Fifteenth Rule

Madam Justice
Rules Are Made To Be Broken… like anything dealing with Time Travel. A dangerous business this is. And what’s my punishment, Dear Madam?

Grounding me, “When We Were Young” was no TV, Internet, and the like —going nowhere? As I was telling Baby B this morning, Thursday, October 26, 2023. I’m not going to Heaven, the Rainbow Bridge, or Purgatory. With that knowledge, I long to die. Why?

Sleeplessness? Now, that would be a punishment. I haven’t taken a nap today. But Hell, Braxton’s been gone 1,002 days. It’s like I’m doing life.

Sexlessness? I might as well be a damn eunuch. I’d say a priest. But only if Braxton were my religion. And there’s no women here.

Simoleons aren’t rolling in like they did the last few weeks, sigh. I barely made a hundred dollars. These are like confessions for Inspector Echo, Madam —my Dirty Little Secret.

Secrets, to be fair. And silence is one Hell of a prison. This is why I’ve been all about buying audiobooks. eBooks, and stealing “ideas” from X/Twitter. Things “Things That Make You Go, Hmm.” It’s more like things that make you moan and other noises…

Sadness though… That’s the one thing that has been loud and clear. If I hadn’t stopped crying at some point, I’m sure I would have drowned in my tears by now. Have I cried today? At the moment, I feel like crying. Only it’s not 100% Braxton. I mentioned I didn’t get a nap and was so frustrated this morning that I’m back to Day One-ish. Being a slave to certain addictions makes me sick and tired. It’s pretty sad.

It’s like when you hear an icon talking about a crime. And you know for a fact, yeah, I did that. Hell! I’ll do that tomorrow and the next day. It’s how certain people look at history, knowing they want to do such things and then trying to claim innocence.

Madam, why else do you think I read all those books on people who had to make “the decision” for their fur babies? You exist with that choice and then in the presence of their absence. It’s always and forever. And yet, you get to walk away from the crime. I remember my perp walk from Banfield and the aisle of PetSmart. I’ve never left.

What are my other crimes? Prisons Have Many Different Forms.

1002 Days Without B III, Day 443 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Episode 341 ~The Story Will Move~

If you only knew how difficult this was to write, hell I would be better off talking about serial killers instead of being reminded of long ago wars, not Vietnam, now WWI or WWII I respect those soldiers but what about these men. The Story Will Move.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Episode 341 ~The Story Will Move~

Hey Lady Sophia,
I AM a Millionaire right now, and as I said, it will move to a billion, then a trillion. The word will become something I’ve never heard or can let alone pronounce. As much as I like writing, it’s like I’m living in “1984” seeking their eradication. “The Handmaid’s Tale” yet again? Today I was reading up on the “Sons Of Jacob.” Excuse me the Republican Party, speaking of being silenced by YouTube. Now don’t hate me My Lady, but I agree in these days we must be FEARFUL of our words.

Now yes I’m a sellout, I’m up for selling any word that moves me ahead. Benjamin Franklin, Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew Jackson, talk about forward. There are reasons though I know Carlos Simon-Timmerman, Jimmy Stephans, Bill Clinton ha. Why I aspire to be Dennis Hof, Larry Flynt, Hugh Hefner, what about Jimmy again? Donald Trump is the worse, but I don’t hate him for sleeping with porn stars and playmates. Indeed, Lady Sophia of the crimes I know, “speaking” about women well it depends. I’ve said it before, he speaks of destroying souls, his hate seeks to engulf the world.

His story takes us back as the narrator said in the Twilight Zone of those who want to turn the Earth into a graveyard. You know I am one even to check my language. Only like the word LOVE, swearing is far too often. Lies are as well, and fiction isn’t lying, for a time it is somebody’s truth we can share. It’s why I’m a poet, a novelist; I am going to be published. The truth will set you free, but somehow it’s like moving to a zoo. You can only go so far, Lady Sophia. So where will my words take me? Again Everything and Everywhere to Everyone

What about everyone, Mr. Timmerman was arrested for “Little Lupe the Innocent.” Jimmy Stephens took a hit for True Teen Babes. Bill Clinton faced impeachment for a bit because of an intern’s blowjob. Dennis Hof owned brothels. Larry Flynt took bullets for interracial pornography. Hugh Hefner got the Playboy Mansion. Jimmy again set the stage for beautiful young women. Not one of these men did any harm, Clinton was President, and now we got Trump. I’m not looking to move into the White House or a prison cell. I ride words, The Story Will Move.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 152 ~Behind In My Lusting~

Baby got back and did you wonder how or why I know this, probably because it’s all I get to see while they’re running away but I have always been a sucker for a pretty face… okay and nice boobs. Behind In My Lusting, its just been a Hard month

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lesson 152 ~Behind In My Lusting~


Come In Dirty Diana
No Fear, just because you can see fear, doesn’t mean it can see you, and maybe that’s why so many guys like big butts, as for me, well, I ain’t leaving it that’s for damn sure. Ask me my personal preferences, and I’m more a breast man, which might explain why I’m such a big baby, what do you think hmm?

“Some brothers wanna play that “hard” role
And tell you that the butt ain’t gold
So they toss it and leave it
And I pull up quick to retrieve it.”
Baby Got Back Sir Mix-A-Lot

I can honestly say that I’ve never done anal with any woman before, is that weird considering all the kink that I’m into these days? I’ve told you about tentacles, gangbangs, and the fact that I don’t share… but it is a fantasy of mine, to have a woman taken in every hole, not a Devil’s Three-Way, I’m not there yet. I wonder how much one of those “fucking machines” cost, yes I honestly looked up those words today and can I just say for the record, what’s with me?

You could think I have been a bit turned off a butt stuff as of late, haven’t picked up that boo Shiver in weeks, yeah reading about two men is not my cup of tea, but I have truly been writing. I think I told all of my “imaginary friends” that I finished NaNoWriMo just yesterday so now I don’t have any excuses not to be reading, speaking of which Shiver sounds better than my worthless drivel. Speaking of which, I don’t think I even put any let’s say “anal stimulation” in my book, what am I getting all shy now or maybe I’m just sort of surprised if anything.

I don’t have anything against ass at all, I like spanking, and I can even enjoy getting spanked, a girl gripping my ass as she sucks me off, and one of the few places where different temperatures may turn me on. As far as going up that direction when it comes to my ass, there are reasons I am staying out of prison, and that’s probably in the top three.

So then you ask why do I expect some girl to let me do it to her, here’s a bigger question as I am one for the primal instinct, who first thought that this was a good idea? The pursuit of pleasure cannot be denied or perhaps it is evolution, as I discussed with a friend, due to overpopulation how best to continue the human condition and yet not produce offspring to perpetuate the problem. I’m behind in so much Dirty Diana, but maybe that’s not a bad place to be in this angle of love Behind In My Lusting.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 127 ~So Many Locked Doors~

Don’t get locked into a routine, don’t make the place where you lay your head a prison, keys can lock and they can also open, and your head is not usually one of the nicer places to visit. So Many Locked Doors but what am I keeping in?

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Lesson 127 ~So Many Locked Doors~

To Will:
No Fear but the question, to open or not to open, that is the question, now you’re not Shakespeare but all the football talk… a plague on both their houses am I right, that’s something that is never going away, no matter the man I was, am, or dare I dream to become. Already you smile, that’s good, you remember “Holly Little” from “Starship Troopers 3: Marauder” would you really trade in all your principles for a hot piece of tail, just saying.

“A plague o’ both your houses!” ― Romeo & Juliet

“Your levity is good, it relieves tension and the fear of death.” ― Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

You’re a better man than that or at least you’re trying to be, I always want you to be and do you realize what today is? Talk about being no Shakespeare, writing those poems for “Senseless” may you never feel such fear again because, at the end of the day, you need the money and no girl is worth it. Nice to be harsh about something else and not you but as for today’s lesson there are just things I can’t lock the door and throw away the key and then there are those times I just feel locked in.

Congratulations though as you have broken through your writer’s block at present, I expect to see great things in your writing despite the work schedule you’ve been cursed with. You’ve also kept something else locked in your pants, ain’t that something when you impose a hundred-word tax on a hard-on and if that also counted for a chub… You are also becoming freer, which you’ll need to bare your soul soon enough if you remember what happened this day before.

“Any place you don’t leave is a prison.” Liberal Arts

How about the idea, that you were actually considering leaving these four walls and going somewhere else to work, how about Starbucks, Books-A-Million, and lucky you the library closest is getting worked on but you need to check. You remember what they say about any place you don’t leave but I know too there is a difference between being alone and being lonely, remember that.

Plenty of stuff to remember so no wonder the writer’s block was so hard to break out of and now you are going to condemn your characters to Hell. Always remember that you can’t cut life on and off, even if you’re holding the keys, ride or get rolled on, I’m sure your fists and head will appreciate not hitting walls and locked doors but still, So Many Locked Doors.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 060 ~My Work Release Program~

This is not a test but it’s also not an emergency either, however, I did have a bit of a release today a sigh of relief as of sorts but who knows what tomorrow may bring, the days of Sapphire. “My Work Release Program” no life should be a prison

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Lesson 060 ~My Work Release Program~

“You know the funny thing about morphin’? You don’t appreciate it till you can’t do it anymore!” – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

Hey Lady Lu,
No Fear and I never thought I’d say this but work was actually liberating today and no I don’t mean my dream job but the day job for once. Of course writing is a sense of freedom which is what I told “Okay” though to be honest I’ve been terrified, still am in a way but how many times have I quoted Cypher Raige, to you Luna.

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity Kitai. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice. We are all telling ourselves a story and that day mine changed.” Cypher Raige, After Earth (2013)

Work is Hell but when it’s all you know… am I grateful, money, security, indeed life as I know it, maybe it makes sense to keep my mouth shut you know? I said once it wasn’t fear that was holding me back but maybe common sense, and I don’t know where I’d be without it, embracing a fear to actually combat a danger that is quite real. My father is that danger and while I hope one day to be fearless and face that danger, I will stick with freedom.

This type of freedom at least, where would I be without it… well, it’s been sixty days since this new beginning, truth be told I wish I had kept my mouth shut, and in the days to come, I will. No, I’m not abandoning you again Luna but I’m onto bigger things, not necessarily better but bigger, if I’m ever going to get anywhere in this life. When I’m talking to you or truly writing, I don’t know whether I’m signing my own death sentence or this is truly my liberation, it could always be one in the same right?

Anyway, this is today’s lesson, work, and release; isn’t that the dominant way, you’re given power for that gift you give something in return and then let go of everything and you and yours are much better off. Maybe you just throw yourself in prison willing only to be released and what happens to most after they released, they wind up going back, easily enough.

“Thank you, but I prefer it my way.” Andre Baptiste Sr., Lord of War (2005)

Sometimes you hang on to something so long, you forget how liberating it can be to just let go, if anything it depends on the thing but I got a lesson in that today, not to mention I’m getting older. My mom would tell me I have a tendency to take my “grievances” out on those who never erred, and I agree to a certain extent, that’s not right but we talked about the experience.

For example, I was so angry with someone today, maybe I was just tired and hot, and hell I’ve been on edge as of late. So anyway I’m leaving, and just sitting in my car and this person says I dropped my shirt, seriously that was it, I said thank you, went and retrieved my shirt from the street and all my anger just left, okay I was cooling and resting but environment considered, I made the choice to let my anger go. Why was it so easy, time heals all wounds… ten minutes sheesh, that’s like a record for me, and the world didn’t end, of course, there is always tomorrow, the day after?

“Oh, life is like that. Sometimes, at the height of our revelries, when our joy is at its zenith when all is most right with the world, the most unthinkable disasters descend upon us.” – Ralphie

That’s the problem isn’t it, the moment you let go, the moment you think the lion sleeps is when you become grade A beef. Talk about having some beef right, but if it helps any wasn’t Facebook started because a guy had a grudge and why do you think so many horror movies are just monsters with axes to grind or trying to live again? How would it feel if everyone just let all that “energy” go, why do you think that society spends so much trying to numb us?

We are given the energy to work, and when we’re finished, whatever lives inside of us, I don’t know, but as they say, hearts were given cages for a reason, and brains are surrounded by white walls. I don’t think I’m alone in my reasoning but that’s part of the reason I’m here talking to you because what people think.

Anyway I am breathing a bit easier, can’t get soft though, can’t think everything is okay and at the moment the tea is helping, I’m becoming a big tea drinker now. This is yet another one of those times though I wish I could be a typical guy, sports, drinking, women, yet another reason I’m a writer… seriously am I even starting to write all these reasons down at all.

As I said I’m getting older but not much has changed, when I was back in school, I’d do whatever, then come back and just pass out, sleep has always been my number one go to, except for “Senseless” but that only lasted a day. What would it truly be like to just let go of everything, sleep just puts it on the backburner and here’s another thing if I let it go today it will still be there tomorrow because people are people. Maybe it’s not so much me letting go than being Atlas and the world just keeps getting bigger and bigger and when you drop it, the consequences, how to cope 101.

A prisoner is released and finds that there is no longer a place for him, not trying to sound like those late night/early morning commercials but men can no longer be men, same with women, the whole human race. The Purge doesn’t say be human it says to “release the beast”, now, of course, I’m not a villain but look at the violence, look at other methods we have to be… I don’t know to make us what passes for normal. Then we have my writing, my conversations with you that have led to everything else, so you say “I hope you feel cleansed” and do I feel that honestly?

If we’ve learned anything, after this, I’m usually tired, I feel drained and we go on to the next day, sometimes better, sometimes worse, I wish there was a better release but again I am not the typical guy. I’m just me, my life today, wish I could have done better, these papers won’t be so long after tomorrow I’m on My Work Release Program.

I Will Have No Fear

Write Walls and Cages

The mind has the skull, the tongue is behind teeth, and the heart is behind bars and I realize that it is a good reason for all of that. “Write Walls and Cages” why are my fingers still out on bail or today they serve as jailers just maybe.

Can’t you keep it down
Now I’d say something dumb
but pride comes before the fall
and for that crime
we were doing the time
for all the things he thought he knew when we were young
insane in the membrane
He’s how I got my start

Only you played your part
You’re the one that brought our shame
For running your tongue
crossing every damn line
Are you that blind?
Won’t take your blame is all,
worse you’re a no good lazy bum
letting the fingers pound

Wait a minute maybe we weren’t the ones
No, no, no, “it’s” the one to blame
Damn the heart
Who knows what he’ll find
For dollars, no sense, but then some DIME
Maybe we shouldn’t be so loud
He lives in a cage but um
That’s why he can’t read the writing on the wall

You were meant to be confined
Why must we remind

Copyright © 2017 Second Circle Creations, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.