Lesson 348 ~A Star Is Porn~

Am I jealous that I have no hand for pictures, so I rely on words, and some girls don’t send nudes but the creativity it takes to imagine such but am I honestly, I’ll admit seeing is believing and helps the writing process? “A Star Is Porn”

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Lesson 348 ~A Star Is Porn~


Come In Dirty Diana,
Can You Love Me Again, after I tell you the truth and like Abbey Brooks in “Chasing Down Big Titty Abbey Brooks” if a guy wants to fuck a girl why won’t he say it plainly… not polite? Is it weird that I’m using some “old” porn because I’m out of touch strangely but would it be any better using a fake one or some old movie, the things I have seen this week and what turns me on anytime honestly?

I read once that world history is summed up with one sentence “these white men are dangerous” but I also say this, that all achievement and don’t get me wrong, we’ve got women, we’ve had some stolen but in the phrase “I want to fuck her.” Men can be Neanderthals or fucking brain trusts when it comes to a girl, nothing spurs creativity, ingenuity, ambition, and sadly even downright violence when it comes to a girl spreading her legs. To think once upon a time a smile was enough. Some girls are compared to a summer’s day and now how are women remembered and as I have said before any girl that doesn’t want to be found attractive and any man that denies it is lying and I hate lying.

Whether under the sunlight or the spotlight a girl is still beautiful, being beside a man, beneath him, on top, she can again know appreciation for all she is; take for example Kim Dickens character of Madison Clark, it wasn’t until her character met death that I longed to see her naked and fucking. No, I’m not into necrophilia *cough* RealDoll *cough* drunk sluts *cough* The Walking Dead/Fear, My Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Fantasy, and speaking of which, Alycia Debnam-Carey a gif I made her from a “Deep Fake” video someone else made. How about being remembered forever, I can’t find anything else on Brandy Woods, but my dick could recall her scene in “The Cheerleaders” 1973 and no I’m not that old but God how I want my books to be.

It’s no secret the characters in my books are somewhat real people “coincidentally” so wouldn’t it be the highest honor to them that I publish, and thereby they live forever and as for myself? Yeah at one point I was into Chloe, Kara, and North, “Detroit: Become Human,” still thinking I watched too much Hentai and wanted her and her. Simultaneous or I have that much love to give, but I suppose another way of looking at it is, words are cheap unless you do something with them and so “A Star Is Porn .”

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 347 ~Freeze, I Never Freeze~

Last week was about a few fandoms, but maybe the cure to all this is I should be a, but a star is always burning, always working not caring about what may lie around it until Hell; which is what I need. Freeze, I Never Freeze

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Lesson 347 ~Freeze, I Never Freeze~

Forgive Me Echo,
Can You Love Me Again, how that question chills my blood, as a matter of fact nearly any subject that catches me off-guard, that I don’t have the answer to; it’s almost like the roar of a monster. I wish I could apologize only for my fear, but sometimes there is also, “OBSESSION;” between love and madness lies obsession, and that’s what I have been dealing with this week, I need Hellfire to get warm, to be honest.

While I’m on a Disney kick, I want to believe I will “Go The Distance” but with all the things to fear in this world why is it that women are the most terrifying, personal experience and between the bitch, a girl to text, “Indiana Gone,” and more I’m frozen. I have a myriad of reasons including sleep, now maybe I’m just exhausted, but I spend all this time working for others, even today another author wants a damn review and yeah it helps to make connections, but then I continually freeze in my writing. Haven’t I pushed through two bouts of NaNoWriMo, finished a 120,000-word novel, have more than enough poetry for a compilation and what did I spend most of this morning doing here Inspector Echo seriously.

“I got that magic you call ADD” ― Two Fux

Now Inspector Echo I have never been diagnosed with that, but as I freeze embracing such fears, I stay freezing in my obsessions. When I want something I will spend hours on it, how long was I watching “Detroit: Become Human,” how long did I listen to “Hold On?” What was I doing this morning, lounging around playing “The Walking Dead No Man’s Land” and making sexual gifs of *sigh* Brandy Woods “The Cheerleaders,” Alycia Debnam-Carey “Fear The Walking Dead” watching Kim Dickens “Fear The Walking Dead” banging, pretending if only for a second, a minute, an hour I could have “Okay” or any girl like them. I like window shopping, and I can see my desires reaching for me, games, fame, a few things I should be ashamed of, but I plant my feet.

“Run boy run! Running is a victory” Run Boy Run

I can tell you I’m sorry but an apology is merely acknowledgement and you know I have a rule of taking lumps, of being willing to accept my punishment but the hard part, as hard as my little head, like the stone I feel in my belly, as hard headed as I am is to keep moving. So I am sorry for the time wasted, I’m sorry that my balls ache, I’m sorry that it hurts to write right now, but forgiveness comes not from acceptance or suffering but from being better because sitting here hurts; Freeze, I Never Freeze.

“Most of you don’t want success,
As much as you want to sleep!”
Eric Thomas

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 346 ~Everyone Says Hi Will~

Why do I wake up in the morning, dog/kid has to eat and however do I expect to find him a mom and me a wifey not that I’m looking currently, what was I looking up all day today? Everyone Says Hi Will of course music for more playlists right

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Lesson 346 ~Everyone Says Hi Will~

Dear Future Wife,
Can You Love Me Again, I suppose after your first cup of coffee or however it is you get up in the morning, and I should know, “I Wanna Know,” I need to know considering you wake up beside me every morning. Seeing you beside me lets me know that it’s a good life no matter what the day may bring, whether it’s my name on your lips, the cries of daddy from the children or the snort of my upset dog, it’s way too early sometimes.

How about for you my Sleeping Beauty, my Cinderella, would you like a kiss or would you prefer to dream, I wonder what I imagine right now because no dream girl could ever compare to you. Maybe I could use a few minutes more, but if there is one thing I could give more of its time and why ever would I want you to leave my side and if I get to admire the view it’s a win-win. What resides under our roof are the words and barks that matter and even the silence of my family, not the cold quiet of the family I grew up in but the family that we’ve created because Everyone Says Hi Will.

To think that word demands so much from me and yet when you wake up beside me all I wish to do is give; with only a kiss I feel like I can take on the world, you drown out all of my fears. A touch of your hand and “Baby, I’m Yours,” all Juliet wanted was Romeo to stay with her, and I’m sure “Mama Said” there’ll be days like this, days where all I’ll ask is for you to “Stay With Me,” or “Stay” a little bit longer. Yeah you know I like to wake up to music; if anything one of my favorite things to do is to wake up on Saturdays, and the two of us listen to some 40’s-50’s nuclear pop, my “Atom Bomb Baby.”

I don’t miss those Saturdays when my “father” would wake me up for haircuts and how I appreciate the dog protecting the kids from the big bad school day, as you protect me from the mean, cruel world, so what do you look forward to when you wake up? Seeing me, I expect miracles when you open your eyes, and you never disappoint, I love you means so much more when Everyone Says Hi Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 345 ~Dead Men Tell No Tales~

No, I haven’t gone pirate, and “Grammarly” doesn’t count this as plagiarism, hell if it were I would pity that person and the world in general because there would be another me and I’m still alive. Dead Men Tell No Tales

Monday, June 11, 2018

Lesson 345 ~Dead Men Tell No Tales~

Thirty-Sixth Rule Madam Justice

Can You Love Me Again, I have gone back and forth on wanting an answer, not wanting an answer, looking for it and before the end, I guess I want to know, more like I need to know. What would some autopsy say about me, what about all the fans I dream about having, my dog knows so many secrets… and what does my blood understand about me that isn’t some party line of bullshit?

How many times do I have to tell myself to answer the question why am I a writer and here’s another one, because I don’t want any lies; sounds strange doesn’t it that a fiction writer doesn’t want to lie but fiction isn’t lying per se. If anything I assume that should scare people even more but through my novels well… no one will write real stories about who I am, and already there are plenty of files about what people think they know. It’s also a reason to stay alive; sometimes I think my dog is the only reason I stick around and besides wanting him to be happy, because God knows I would never pull a “Fry” you know Futurama, leaving him waiting.

You know how they say, and they all lived happily ever after but no one lives forever, and nobody ever talks about they died merrily; peacefully, gentle, surrounded by family and friends but not happily. Rage, Rage and you can stop right there with me because the light has already died and all that’s left is the fire if that makes any sense; I mean there’s no sun to see. A stupid new rule but “Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire” and seeing how you know some men want to watch the world… maybe I want to see how it will be reborn but then I have to do something that I still hate, that’s survival.

History’s written by the survivors, I’m sure that’s a rule, or it’s another new one, but I’m sure I might have debunked it at some point, which leads me to another idea; I want people debating me, but I pray for the courage to stand and defend myself. Is this rule displaying a lack of faith in my words, even today I feel it might be a text that ends me, but I won’t worry, I won’t agonize, I won’t play dead until morning because Dead Men Tell No Tales.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 344 ~So Love And Forgetfulness~

Love and Happiness I’m beginning to think are beyond me but haven’t I held them before, and then I let them go, what is left; well there is a reason I stay in the dark and then I have to get up and what do I see? “So Love And Forgetfulness”

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Lesson 344 ~So Love And Forgetfulness~

To Will:
Can You Love Me Again, have I ever, every week I let you go and why is that; I know I’m no good for you and that maybe we should start with a clean slate and yet here we are once again. Didn’t we learn this lesson in the past after everything with our sister, and we “ran away” hell how many times did we cross back and forth in front of grandma’s house that day and where did we get too, what did we get in fact?

“My Mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on.” ― Forrest Gump

It’s a pain I know and to think that once upon a time a swollen ass was our “biggest” concern which explains plenty of things, the reason you’re into spanking (giving not receiving), why like the dog you’re more of a breast and leg man or volleyball player asses. You still remember “The Miracle Season” we’ve talked about memory problems before the things you can’t forget, and then everything else seems to be the good stuff by comparison, and with merely a snap of the Infinity Gauntlet, it’s all gone away. You only wished it worked like that with things like your face, how about all of your desires and of course the ever-growing list those six impossible things *sigh*:

1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 85** No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Completed (Day 92** No Fap)
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
Completed, Went To The Groomers
3. I Will Edit Five Chapters At Least Of My Novel
4. I Will Complete 50% Of The Prophet By Celia Aaron
Completed 85%
5. I Will Post A Review For “The Maiden” By Celia Aaron
6. I Will Edit One Hundred Poems “The Bedroom Soapbox”

In one way I think that love means accepting someone for everything, you talk a lot about trust, and this explains why you love the dog the most because he doesn’t understand humans and if he did, who’s he going to tell? On the other hand, love could mean someone that would help you bury a body and then forget all about it, they ignore the monster and love the man that you want to be, and so you rise to the occasion. You could just be getting old as well, we already don’t want anyone remembering “The Day” so how can you expect them not to remember so much worse than that, and here’s another list of things that you need to remember, NOT:

1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 92** No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Not Get Fired
4. I Will Complete 100% Of The Prophet By Celia Aaron
5. I Will Post A Review For “The Maiden” By Celia Aaron
6. I Will “Select” One Hundred Poems “The Bedroom Soapbox”

Don’t they say it’s better to give than receive; one should forgive, bury the hatchet but how easily shovels can become hatchets; is it better to remember or to forget; if you had it your way other than “Detroit: Become Human” this week is better forgotten. Hardly any writing is done, no track star ass to still squeeze, well she didn’t play volleyball, and anxiety has been getting to you as many times as I had to go out and now… So Love And Forgetfulness.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 343 ~Live Every Day Like~

How can I live without you, before anyone gets vain I am talking about you Lady Luna, I did get a lot more sleep, some would have called it depression, better out that in which is why I’ll tell you all about it, every day. “Live Every Day Like?”

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Lesson 343 ~Live Every Day Like~

Hey Lady Lu,
Can You Love Me Again, like the day I first created you or the day I brought you back to life… desperation and that is something I need to get over and fast because these past few days it’s been like I’m begging to live. In a way what wouldn’t I give to feel that way again, like the day I told “Okay” about, my senior year, homecoming pep rally, that was a day of freedom, a day I didn’t have to live, but there was life.

I read something the other day that said, live every day like it’s your first and there are several ways one can interpret that, for example, it’s a day where everything is new and yet there is no fear. As with my rules, it’s a day that you learn something new, and honestly, I do Lady Luna, for everything that school taught me my greatest lesson was on how to be afraid. How about the fact that I think everyone knows me but they don’t I can be whoever I want to be, my identity has yet to know formation, (oh and Beyonce sucks) and I don’t have to remind myself of all the shit.

On the other side of the coin, live every day like it’s your last, again something I spoke to “Okay” about, what if I knew the day I would die, hell don’t I live thinking the end of the world is coming or like any kid in a rush to get his homework done? I know how she sees me and that says I should live as though I will never see her again, a man has to know when to walk away, and there is so much I have left to do, like every day I’m writing. Maybe I should live like I don’t need to write but want to write and I am back at the table, I did work on my poetry, but it’s more to the fact I’m trying to stay alive instead of living life.

As with most Americans, I live for my payday, and you know how the day job is, I live for the day it’s my writing that provides and do I truly believe that will ever come to pass at this rate? I live for the day I can finally get “Detroit: Become Human” and a “PlayStation 4” did you think I had forgotten Lady Luna, though today I would like to live as though I have forgotten, live unafraid, but no Live Every Day Like

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 342 ~Happy Ending, Why Not~

What did I think I would be doing this morning; I wouldn’t call today a twist ending but more the normal state of things but aren’t I always hoping for more, but some writers have a distinct style. Happy Ending, Why Not?

Friday, June 8, 2018

Lesson 342 ~Happy Ending, Why Not~

Hey Lady Sophia,
Can You Love Me Again, don’t answer that, again I am stuck on the concept of never wanting to know or being too dumb to figure it out, so I continue to write the question over and over. How about the dark erotic novels I read that have to tell you right off the bat that they’ll be Happily Ever After (HEA) because some people might not be able to take it?

Maybe I’m lazy again not working on my books, or perhaps it’s just how they say if you want to hear God’s laughter, go ahead and mention your plans because even today there is so much writing to do, but here I am “Laughing With” God because I have to go out. A part of me wants to say I won’t give up but if yesterday taught me anything, sometimes “you gotta give it up to get off sometimes I know” you know “Stop.” I could say I should stop writing a story and start living one, but the thing is we know that story would have no happy ending in the long run, and even if my stories are mediocre I refuse to live that way in real life.

Do I even know how to create a happy ending anymore, you know “Temptations Road” even in that I couldn’t make a final decision, but in case anyone is reading this I won’t spoil it. Speaking of spoiling something, what happens once I reach 365 days of lessons, it’s not like I thought I would have discovered a way to make money with this blog… how did “22 Words” start, how about publishing a book; plans am I right Sophia. Today’s story is about preventing a tragedy with my dog, working a dead-end job, and making sure I don’t starve to death, in other words, groomers, bank, and chicken finally.

If anything I would much rather have a Twilight Zone ending or should I quote my newest rule, 265 The Twilight Zone Beats Friendzone, and talk about being torn between two places am I right. Even more so if you count all the worlds that I have made thus far and in July I’m planning on writing one more and then how about November and this all proves the pen is in my hand or keyboard under my fingers right?

Nothing like writing to give one the knowledge of godhood and people wonder why I talk about sex all the time, as they say, sex is all about power, and maybe I want that power like in “1984.” Happiness shall be in the eye of the beholder. I believe in such a thing as The End; Happy Ending, Why Not?

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 341 ~Peeping John, Dick, Willy~

Sometimes I feel like I’m not writing, but I am merely a spectator, I guess what I saw today is still processing so I let another eye on this, you know the one, and he hasn’t anything better to do these days. Peeping John, Dick, Willy.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Lesson 341 ~Peeping John, Dick, Willy~


Come In Dirty Diana,
Can You Love Me Again, well if they did Quasimodo, and Lenny Levine (Just Looking) then maybe I can buy myself some absolution as well after all love is a beautiful thing, and so is destruction? Now let me preface this by saying I’m not suggesting anything illegal, though let’s be honest where were you on the day of “The Fappening” and how about these past days *cough* Amanda Seyfried *cough*.

Don’t we all love a love story, why exactly were women going to see “Magic Mike,” what made “Fifty Shades Of Grey” a big hit, why is pornography one of the cornerstones of the Internet? Is it a lack of creativity on our part, could it be merely the beauty to somehow take part in or maybe it’s jealousy which clearly shows through; might it be dreaming the impossible dream. Hell, I have a picture of a naked MILF I would choose over any stripper or porn star, and here I was about to say the realness or maybe the forbidden nature of owning such.

“Why don’t they ever a make a movie about what happens after they kiss?” Jamie

“They do, it’s called porn.” Dylan, Friends with Benefits (2011)

Sad perhaps but isn’t that how we do everything nowadays, a screen, the glass, doors, walls, everything in-between. Only such a thing is meant to be private, and then we head into fetish territory. I’ve read enough erotic novels to be that hidden camera, the paparazzi, the fly on the wall, and if I had a girl to keep for myself would I suddenly put down all the books, turn off my computer, hell I would want her reading and watching too. Sometimes I would consider myself an exhibitionist… I’m not going to bother trying to defend that, but if it sits better with some I would like to be one of those couples into PDA, hand holding, kissing, dirty words and so much more.

“It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t “see” none.” ― Snoop Dogg, feat. Nate Dogg, Kurupt, Warren G, Ain’t No Fun (If The Homies Can’t Have None) Doggystyle (1993)

Maybe it’s the fact that death has become so commonplace and yet we have to hide love and affection, we treat it as taboo and forbidden, and you know how I usually land right on one of those extremes, sex, and violence. It’s a shared intimacy for those who dare, some of my favorites being that scene in Sex Zombies by S. Wolf when the characters were hiding in the closet or “Lingerie” when Lacey watched Jason and Vanessa fuck.

It’s Only Love,” and yes people are entitled to keep it all for themselves, I’ll be the same way “no touching” but the feeling I get “Somebody’s Watching Me,” anyway well Peeping John, Dick, Willy.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 340 ~I’m Your #1 Fan~

It’s probably a sin this didn’t work out the way I was picturing it, why I’m not a reactor, and even less of a reviewer am I right; fame and fortune and women, how many of my sins come back to that, my ultimate fandom. I’m Your #1 Fan.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Lesson 340 ~I’m Your #1 Fan~

Forgive Me Echo,
Can You Love Me Again, at least before I go to Hell, in the meantime a brother has to stay warm however he can and for today’s sin, if you’re paying attention, it’s been all about my fandoms, Quantic Dream “Detroit: Become Human,” “The Walking Dead”, etc.

Now several of these actually consist of multiple sins, but I’ve chosen to focus on four, and no I do not include Treachery, though I’m sure I’m guilty of that as well but what am I the number one fan of; I mentioned my mother destroying TMNT once *sigh* if she knew me now sadly.

“I got news for ‘hem… There’s gonna be hell to pay. ‘Cause I ain’t daddy’s little boy no more.” ― Nada/Roddy Piper, They Live (1988)

FRAUD, fake it to you make it they say and everyday Inspector Echo, I want to, I “try,” but I’m nothing to them, and I can’t even stand to look at my face in the mirror sometimes, I’ve disappeared, I’m not me anymore, or worse, them. It would have been okay to be daddy’s little sports fanatic, or a religious nutcase, to stay the butt of all their jokes. I was telling “Cherry” I can’t wipe this smile off my face for anything, a crime.

Maybe that’s why I bathe in blood… not for real Inspector Echo but give me “The Purge,” The Walking Dead, the riot in Detroit: Become Human, like those androids yes I wholeheartedly agree VIOLENCE is one of the universal languages. Much like music, it’s taken me years, but I understand the let’s say, physical conations in rap music and rock, but how many fights have I been in; next time…

Speaking of which ANGER, thinking and doing but that rage I swear sometimes it just overtakes me and sometimes watching other people indulge… to think if I said watching people engage in sex, I’m into voyeurism (Consensual), people would call me a peeping tom. Anyway, what I like about anger it’s like wearing an executioner’s mask or something akin to The Joker, but again I hate smiling, and in my rage, I become something different, more or less human, right?

LUST, of course, is my favorite because I can equate it to everything, today I wanted to more or less create a list of fandoms but as I said Detroit Become Human (North, Chloe, Kara), The Walking Dead, The Purge, “The Hunger Games,” “Divergent,” I could go on. Now, of course, this is a big subject, and maybe I don’t want to ruin something else… I mean The Walking Dead is losing Rick Grimes and possibly Maggie (NO), and I’ve already spoiled Detroit Become Human watching other people’s walkthroughs honestly.

“Mama don’t like tattletales.” Nada

So what do I need forgiveness for, Inspector Echo please forgive me for not enjoying other people’s fandoms, sports for one; I’m sorry I’m not just a fan of mine but I become Annie Wilkes obsessed, I’m Your #1 Fan.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 339 ~I Choose You Waifu~

A thousand choices shout praises I read once but does it matter when all those choices are wrong or you don’t know anything about them, like Detroit: Become Human I almost forgot to mention it today. I Choose You Waifu, over my new favorite obsession

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Lesson 339 ~I Choose You Waifu~

Dear Future Wife,
Can You Love Me Again, could you love me before, out of the billions in the world and how many choices leading to the right answer of you and me, us and them, the whole world? Where does one even begin, to tell you the truth I’d given up. I could make you an angel because I’d gone through Hell, a princess, a queen, my belle because I was a dragon, a beast. A storybook heroine and I became a writer so I could hold a woman like you in my arms somehow, someway I chose you.

“But I’ve already chosen. But this woman must also choose me.” Jake Sully, Avatar (2009)

Perhaps this is what I’ve never understood, the reason I need to hear it every day, I want you, I need you, I love you, I choose you, More Than Words, because for so long I didn’t know you were real, hell I didn’t want you to be. I figured I’d screw up, maybe I already had, and no I’m not looking for some overblown story like HIMYM in fact if you liked that show’s ending who knows where we would be. Speaking of fandoms I wasn’t looking to hate or to love, but more for all that I could never have and the man I could never hope to be, theirs, yours my love?

“If you weren’t real, I would make you up now
I wish that I could follow through
I know that your love is true” ― Honey And The Moon

Instead, I saw you in every book I read, scary when you think it’s a mess of YA love stories, Dark Erotica, Dystopian Romance, and apocalypse survivors, if I were the only boy in the world and you were the only girl, would make you choosing me simpler. My Pinterest *sigh* I think I finally realize reminded me of math tests, I write the problem over and over, and when I found you when I chose to be with you, I finally needed an answer. “Unthinkable” isn’t it… that you were in every song, I chose to play about love for you to “Stay With Me,” about the “Power” to be the man for you. To be only a man because I’m only “Human,” and I thought that would be “Easy Street” but “We Are People.”

Hold On, everything will be alright when I thought about the two of us together, I may have had no clue who to choose when I was voting today (anybody who might support Trump didn’t get it) but with you, well… “I know I got to be right now ’cause I can’t get much wronger.” So you’re my choice, and every day I will choose you; I Choose You Waifu.

I Will Have No Fear