Lesson 330 ~Say Another Perfect Day~

I suppose if there is a God, that my life would be one of those running gags in some decent sitcom, looking at you HIMYM, your ending sucks but I reached The End a long time ago and now one more day of editing. Say Another Perfect Day.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Lesson 330 ~Say Another Perfect Day~

To Will:
Can You Love Me Again, how about a month from now, more like Thirty-Five days but who’s counting and who wants to “score,” still hating math with a fiery passion aren’t you? If you can’t love future you, we know past you is out of the question but I am proud you’re working on your poetry again. Less adoration more sex but what has love ever gotten you, a bank account, a doggie, two or three girls that don’t want you to die, are you thinking positive yet?

You know the future doesn’t always have to be a negative concept and of course, the worse day of your life will be here sooner than you think and there will be another NaNoWriMo run in July. How about how this week is already beginning to look, you need the money and any day where you don’t have to wake up and to get it counts as a plus strangely enough. Could this No Fap be paying off, speaking of paying off what about those famed Six Impossible Things hmm:

1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 71* No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
Completed (Day 78* No Fap)
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Edit At Least Four Chapters Of My Novel
Partial Completion, Didn’t Read Out Loud And No Chapter Titles Yet
4. I Will Complete 50% Of Whispers In The Dark
Completed 93%
5. I Will Post A Review For Avengers: Infinity War
6. I Will Edit Sixty-Five Poems (Poetry Book)
Failed Processing The First Fifteen

Now I saw this question in “36 Questions To Fall In Love,” what would constitute a “perfect” day for you. While I’m sure I’ll have a better answer when I finally have a girl on my couch; I was only having a conversation with a friend, not in that way. You know the world would consider you effeminate for thinking about your wedding day, but can you even remember having a truly blessed day and not how Christians define it. For now this day is far from perfect but finally getting a book published, being able to afford everything on your new wish list. How about this longing because as great as you’ve been doing with No Fap you nearly blew your load to Angie Griffin, “Okay” or Reagan Kathryn almost last night remember that?

1. I Will Keep It In My Pants (Day 78* No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
2. I Will Be The Friend My Dog Deserves
3. I Will Edit Five Chapters At Least Of My Novel
4. I Will Complete Whispers In The Dark
5. I Will Post A Review For “The Maiden” by Celia Aaron
6. I Will Edit One Hundred Poems (Book)

Perhaps you are setting your hopes too high, but we’ve discovered that having a list of goals does help, though that last review didn’t come so easy, and that might be another perfect day idea, when you don’t have to make excuses, this is fun right? I’ve seen “Better Days,” okay I couldn’t say that with a straight face but I always believe that you will and yet we understand the world will end any day now, so weird right?

Weird, beautiful, freaking crazy, these days can be a whole lot, but for now, your job is as the song goes Say Another Perfect Day.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 268 ~Perfect Ten, Means Ten Steps~

Get up and walk ten steps, I heard that in a movie and those guys were fighting for their lives but I barely even pick my feet up anymore, if it wasn’t for stairs… but I imagine there will be someone up there waiting. Perfect Ten, Means Ten Steps huh

Monday, March 26, 2018

Lesson 268 ~Perfect Ten, Means Ten Steps~

Twenty-Fifth Rule Madam Justice

I Am Not Fine Today, even thinking for a moment that women are less complicated than let’s say most addictions, e.g., a twelve step program, the twelve labors of Hercules, hell even the twelve days of Christmas, keeping in mind when Christmas starts these days.

For most guys, it starts with the girl next door, and honestly, that’s a vast gulf, but for me, it took maybe a year to get over. Third grade was putting girls in the dirt, fourth grade was a whole new type of hitting, and by fifth grade well I was ten steps closer to all kinds of trouble. Puberty was zero to a hundred, talk about missing all the steps, and my parents didn’t help, “no face as hideous as my face” so why bother with the talk right, wasn’t like I was going out anywhere. I’ve always said my mother did her best to raise a gentleman, hell even my father didn’t approve of me smacking girls’ behinds, the rules of courtship were a complete blank for me.

For a guy wholly preoccupied with getting in some girl’s pants, perhaps I am a bit old-fashioned. Maybe I was fortunate enough to be influenced by the 90s with a mix of admiration of R&B and writing, or it could be the fact that I’m a dominant and one of the provisions of submission is to have genuine trust. Also, my standards are quite high, or I’m shallow without any right to be, but for someone of quality one must step their game up, meaning the more I want someone the harder I try, which might not sound fair. Remember though Madam Justice there is also the “Blackjack Scale” to consider, that goes to twenty-one and currently not one human walking the planet is that high. My dog, of course, lives here, has every single need met, toys galore, a myriad of comfy spots including my bed, and when we met, I didn’t have to take ten steps, just one.

So maybe I’m lazy because that love came quickly but for the right girl why not take ten steps, wanting a person is harder than my “Big Ten Inch… record of the band that plays the blues “thanks, Bull Moose Jackson. It means more though to a girl though, if you think she’s everything, knowing she’s worth the travel, truth, Perfect Ten, Means Ten Steps.

“You can’t tell me you can’t do it!
Get up and walk ten steps.
– Get up and walk!” Alive

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 243 ~Don’t Pretend To Be~

I don’t want to pretend, but I wouldn’t mind dreaming just a little bit more, and I have plenty of ideas, only I don’t want to lie, and she shouldn’t lie either or even want to lie at all. Don’t Pretend To Be; orgasms are not optional.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Lesson 243 ~Don’t Pretend To Be~


Come In Dirty Diana,
I Am Not Afraid Anymore, for no matter what costume I decide she wears, where I choose, or what lesson she must learn, she will always be mine. If you don’t know me by now, lying is a pet peeve. Now I know I lie, and that is why I regularly have to reinvent myself and others, but as I heard in porn once, your naughty bits always understand what they want, vote with your crotch and all that, just saying.

When it comes to the bedroom women don’t like to fake it, and neither do I, maybe it makes me a mean person, but I don’t just take any woman to my bed, and before there is an uproar, many women would feel the same way about a guy like me. Now a costume doesn’t say I like the person any less but hell, if you knew the hours I’ve spent trying to find the outfit a certain pornstar wears or the stories I would want a woman to cosplay… Sick Fux Dolly, anyone? Let me also say this; I won’t be a lackluster lover either, people say I don’t communicate ever, sex and power. Could be one in the same and violence and not against lovers, but when I’m not in my playroom, I’m in my “playroom” GTA, The Last of Us, Until Dawn, speaking of TLOU, yeah I have some fucked up fantasies.

While I would like to have mutual fantasies, that’s optional but orgasms… as I said I refuse to be mediocre, I want to know I get a woman off and if I can’t that’s probably the only time I’ll take a lesson from a submissive. I will educate a submissive on what I like, but there should never be a question of whether she wants to be with me, that should be as easy as breathing, as necessary as food, as high as any drug, and as welcome as a glass of ice water in Hell. Of all the things women accuse me of; when I want somebody, I go all in and only stop when I hear a safeword or when I obviously admit I’m honestly a complete moron.

I don’t pretend to be perfect, but when it comes to these things I don’t pretend to be the sweet guy either, and the last thing I want is a submissive who indeed isn’t such a woman for me and so, Don’t Pretend To Be.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 236 ~Doing It After Dark~

Someday it will all be in black and white, a BDSM contract, the book I need to write to fund my fetishes and the woman in my bed, and I’m not talking about Betty Boop. Doing It After Dark, how about an afternoon delight, Halloween, at the beach, etc.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Lesson 236 ~Doing It After Dark~


I Am Not Afraid Anymore, I’m not afraid of the dark either, and it should come as no surprise that black is my favorite color for most things, of course, I do have some exceptions to the rule. For example, red is my second favorite color, but honestly, if I were to build a playroom, I’d make it black. I got a friend who is heavy into purple, but this isn’t “Saint’s Row” my color choices favor The Morningstar, but then we might be talking about the wrong playroom right?

Speaking of black *ahem* contract, I should probably draw up a BDSM contract seeing as how these days have been spent shopping for potential submissives, can you say I have high hopes? Honestly, I know that such women exist but shouldn’t I spend more time working on myself… it doesn’t matter when the lights are out but then tell me why I spend so much money on colorful things? Just so full of questions, full of myself, wish I could say the same about my bank account, staying in the black, or as the Beatles sang “can’t but my love.”

I know I often repeat the same mistakes and stories but have I mentioned I am into voyeurism and exhibitionism; probably one of my biggest fantasies is a sex tape, this past week I’ve had the yearnings of a photographer for the perfect shot. Perfectionism has always been my curse, chasing something that doesn’t exist which explains the schoolgirl, Asian, and princess ensemble I’ve assembled so far. Funny women want the world and then claim to be every woman like that Whitney Houston song, and somehow I intend to make one or several prove it.

Yes I’m still into brunettes, and I still can’t figure out how that came about; like I told someone, brunettes and blondes/etc. are like crunchy and soft tacos, I’ll eat either but crunchy is my favorite and no I’m not talking about age today. It’s a wondrous world of color out there, and I’m just thinking why waste it in the dark, though forever and a day my bed has been my place, that’s sad?

A guy like me might as well be dreaming of such things I suppose than bathing someone in the flash of an iPhone camera and besides my bed is black too besides dog hair. Another reason I need some creativity like doing it in the park, doing it after dark.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 164 ~Love This Election Year~

I’m no leader, well at least of a country, and while I have plans for world domination, what is one life but the world entire and to think my love is king a dream until I find her. “Love This Election Year,” in what galaxy far, far, away is that hmm?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Lesson 164 ~Love This Election Year~

Dear Future Wife,
No Fear, no fear, if we took a poll whether I would ever find you, if we belong together, that you would say yes well there is only one word for here and now… Hope. In what place but your heart could I win, in what world but the one we have made together. In what galaxy far, far, away could one man, one woman, say yes and that be a lifetime commitment, an appointment, duty, honor, privilege, reason, my wife, your husband, friends, lovers, greatest fan.

The greatest fan of your life as the song goes, and “Your Love Is King” you sing, “Angel” I would call you, and “How Long Will I Love You” because there is no term limit when it comes to us. A Whole New World we could see together and yet every day I feared to go the distance because it is one thing to be a president, a king, to be just a man, but whatever I am, was, or hope to be I just want to be yours. I still remember how I must have looked, what crimes I must have committed, and the people. Can you believe it, I wouldn’t bet on that, she said yes, and et all was quiet and still until I heard it from your sweet lips, saw it in your eyes, and felt it in your dear touch.

Sometimes I think it doesn’t even matter anymore what becomes of the city, state, country or even the world because I know where I wish to stay, free and at the same time hopelessly devoted. How lucky am I that you chose to love me, that you let me love you, that all the stars we can see aren’t enough, that every time I’m with you I feel like I’m blasting off to some distant planet. One that needs two suns because it is not lucky enough to have the light which is you. Cities bathed in color in an attempt to match your beauty, which is captured in my eyes every single day love.

So let the world end, or maybe we’ll be lucky enough to see how Star Wars ends at some point, and this love will still be the best thing I never voted for but chose. I don’t need to be anything more than your man and while you’re “Perfect” and you might spend forever trying to convince me why I still thank you for choosing me, Love This Election Year.

I Will Have No Fear