Tale 106 ~Virgil Needn’t B Obsessed~

I have a habit of being obsessed with things. Torture, failure, death. Enough about me and B III. What about the other one? V knows he can leave the room anytime but cries until I come to get him. I’m not that great. “Virgil Needn’t B Obsessed.”

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Tale 106 ~Virgil Needn’t B Obsessed~

To Will:
It’s the Man In The Mirror… And can I say you look like absolute… I know, think positive, think big. Think at all.

But you know how that goes on a Sunday, around four in the afternoon. Say his name… Braxton. And what about Virgil? Last week, Virgil was getting all “Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah! Get up, come on, get down with the sickness.” Institutionalized? Stockholm Syndrome? Honestly, the things you begin to remember, read up on and relish in uncertain times. Or should I say “Times Like These.” Can you cut the music off for a second? You’re not a DJ or doctor, nor have you worked a day in construction. Hell! It’s only 6 AM. You’re getting ready to start another week. And as I said, it will be all about your son this afternoon. Tonight, there’s… the dead. Obsessed? Not with Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Backyard Dungeon 2, Backyard Dungeon 3
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 000 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 014 No Fap)*
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Or maybe you are as I was. I mean, when was the last time any of them switched at all? I knew I had bad vibes about last Sunday. Once again, your son is dead. What can be worse than that? Obsessing over a fur baby, THEY would say is… Whatever, he is/was your son. And I doubt you’ll be reading about him or others. And I didn’t cry yesterday… for him. It was, moreover, a plate of buffalo wings. But I wouldn’t call spicy an obsession; it’s just good. Oh, you know you’re not one for alcohol, “actual” drugs, and not for ammo, ha. No, you want to talk about your obsessions this morning. Failure, fallen places “Hell.” Another F. And Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Heather by G.C. McKay (Or something)
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 014 No Fap)* Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

And why do you love these things so much? Better question. Why does Virgil obsess? I’m not ready to say love. It’s always, “Later V, later Virgil.” Does he even know his name yet? Maybe he’s trying to learn it, and you need to say it. But obsessing over Braxton? That should be the only thing that matters. And if that were true, Braxton would be alive today. But there was always something else. The Day Job, destruction, and depravity. Because where do you go during your Pomodoro rest periods? You clicked off the meditational guidance in exchange for what? Interests you have to translate. You’re not a good person, and the world’s not lovely. Yet you and Virgil stick around. Virgil Needn’t B Obsessed

987 Days Without B III, Day 428 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Tale 099 ~Virgil, Won’t B Unknown~

Into the unknown? I’m hoping that’s where I’ll find my boy. Today or a week from now, I have no clue. Then again, I know where I’ll be. And it sucks! Looking into the mirror every day. Ah! Has Virgil seen himself in a mirror? Virgil, Won’t B Unknown.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Tale 099 ~Virgil, Won’t B Unknown~

To Will:
It’s the Man In The Mirror… And didn’t we speak only a few hours ago? It’s Sunday, October 1, 2023. So, bad vibes…

But it’s like this every Sunday. It’s knowing the workweek is about to begin. It’s getting a text or, worse, a phone call from “The Olds.” It’s walking down the aisle of PetSmart, trying to catch your breath. And why is that? You carried Braxton to his death right there. The things you know and remember. But this week, much like 2V… You know nothing! It makes our talk different and special, and you dare think good? A week, not existing. If you’re lucky, it won’t have to. The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had. Mad World? You wonder what Virgil dreams about. No fur baby dreams of death, right? But he has pictures and howling. Facebook and the neighbors know. You? Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Backyard Dungeon 2 (OR) Another Title
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 000 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Unknown (Day 000 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

And as you thought, this week is unique because you don’t know if any of these things got done. But if we stick with current trends… One yes and five no. You rather not know. What would I do if I were in your shoes? Hello, Man In The Mirror. I would see myself… HAPPY. Gasp! Now, all you want to do is disappear. Virgil sees you, not like Braxton. But he does, and people know, at least when you’re walking out the door. Leaving. Praying? If you ever talked to GOD again. But it would be the same thing. To let you trade places with Braxton. Spare him and take you. Because, like you said, there are bad vibes today. And Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Backyard Dungeon 2 (OR) Another Title
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 000 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

So I can’t give you any advice. Not that you would listen anyway. Or try to understand it ever. Like these motivational speeches, keep talking about magic wands, miracles, and must. What must you do while you sit in bed with 3 Doors Down’s ” If I Could Be Like That.” Dead? Do you remember when you were scared to talk like this? Intrusive thoughts? If you want to lay anywhere. Let it be in the pages of some book you have written. You’ve been seeing a lot from “mosttalentedbaldman” Johnny Sins. You can lay in bed or anywhere else. With some pretty girl, heh-heh. That’s going out with a bang. Don’t you think? But you’re no father, writer, or boss. Virgil, Won’t B Unknown

980 Days Without B III, Day 421 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Tale 092 ~That’ll B What, Virgil~

I haven’t seen Fight Club in forever. But there’s always time to listen to Motivations. And while I disagree with their idea of Hell… That was watching my son die. Heaven is seeing the person you want to be in the mirror. “That’s B What, Virgil”

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Tale 092 ~That’ll B What, Virgil~

To Will:
It’s the Man In The Mirror… You’re really trying these new intros, aren’t you? Should you get a poster of Tyler Durden? Affordable?

You wouldn’t know. No. Yesterday, I was too busy trying to figure out how I was going to eat or not. Yeah, you have the “Fight Club” concept on the brain. Your head, sigh. All you have to do is think about this as if it were Braxton’s death again. Doing that again? There was no line when it came to putting Triple B in a box. Price was irrelevant with dying. Another reason you’re so in love with it. The cost of living gets under your skin like a virus. You are one of The Walking Dead and all. No wonder Virgil is terrified. Ghostly fur babies and zombies. Tis the season for that sort of a thing. But never for Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING A People’s History of the Vampire Uprising: A Novel (For Kindle)
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 058 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Failed (Day 000 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Now, what would I’ve done better last week? Or I could ask this. “If I Were A Rich Man?” Seeing as how you’re trying something different. It would help if you even wanted to remember last week. Or is it all the days that are blending together, leading nowhere? Let’s start with the Six Impossible Things. One was taken care of. Congratulations! That’s according to both Goodreads and Kindle. Two should have been done years ago. I have time to focus on the ladies’ “assets.” You need to honor Braxton. Hell! Virgil, too Hmm! Three? Again, I have the time, but you must enjoy working your horrible Day Job. Now, with Four? What made you break your streak? Dirty fantasies you wrote down someplace. You weren’t focusing on your book. And Five and Six fold right back into Two. Braxton… Honor him. Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Backyard Dungeon 2 (OR) Another Title
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 000 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Once again, what would I have done differently? Those motivational speeches say that wealthy people read. Were there no Republicans back then? I’m rich… and I don’t go around banning soon-to-be-burning books. I write them. Some for B III. And the others… If I’m not being Eric Vall, Logan Jacobs, Neil Bimbeau, or Imogen Linn. I’m living. Existing for now seems to be enough for you. But having a woman, feeling something. The fact that I can make Braxton and Virgil proud. The confidence, courage, and cost. Tomorrow is going to be a bad day. But for me? A Lovely Day. That’ll B What, Virgil

973 Days Without B III, Day 414 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Gospel 159 ~Everything, Everyone Has A Price~

As the song goes, AHEM, if you pay the right price, your evening will be nice, and you can go or send me on my way. Not exactly the career for me but for others, well, I’ll just leave it there. “Everything, Everyone Has A Price,” and I’m pretty cheap

Monday, December 7, 2020

Gospel 159 ~Everything, Everyone Has A Price~

Hundred And Sixty-Five Rule

Madam Justice,
I AM a Billionaire right now, but is that enough? Every other day I tell you and the other girls that I’m adopting Republican policies. I guess I’m getting the failures out of the way, if anything. If you don’t believe me, you should have watched my gaming. Do I need to talk about Far Cry 5 right now? Well, it’s how I get to bed and seeing as how I’ll be exhausted in the morning regardless… So you get $1,000 (in-game) for taking outpost undetected. I failed to do that, so he who fights and runs away?

Anyway, I believe that everyone has a price, in my opinion. It doesn’t have to be monetary per se. Find what a person wants and what they are willing to do to get it. Tonight I have been wracking my brain to figure out mine. Madam Justice, SIGH, I’m NOTHING. Disturbing, isn’t it. Let’s start with something small, like my Dæmon. I’ve had offers from $500 to $900 for him. I’m not a bad parent, I suppose. That’s not the point, regardless. If anything, I’m destroying my argument entirely because I swear my CHILD’S priceless. Okay, so how about how I want to spend my life. You understand I can’t say if I want to stay on the up and up for some reason. However, I have respect, and at the same time, how much money have I spent, you think, over the years?

You’re not Inspector Echo, but I have a confession to make. I guess from reading all those Christian books years ago. Only what I was reading before Christmastime? I once thought about selling my soul to the Devil. Hell, if you could guarantee everything I desire… You’re asking what stopped me? Well, I have to disagree with Spotify as I am not a “Sucker For Pain,” at least not mine. Someone said we have “blood to spare,” and that’s another thing. How much blood have I shed at the Day Job? How much having a shave? So again, how much am I worth? When I go in, what am I working for, around ten bucks an hour? I spent a month on NaNoWriMo, excuse me, four years, and have I published a single book? What do I want for my life?

Again with Spotify AHEM Love and Happiness… for this man? Everything, Everyone Has A Price.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 360 ~Why Worry? Write Will~

Last week I asked what I was I thinking, but at this point, that word should be synonymous what am I “worrying” about, movie tickets, Pinterest boards, my arsenal and more. Why Worry? Write Will.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Episode 360 ~Why Worry? Write Will~

Forgive Me Echo,
I Am A Millionaire right now, so I haven’t bothered worrying about Nevada in a while. No negative vibes there but I have plenty to go around. I’m worried I might have wasted my life being day 360 and all. Without a doubt, I know I’m a writer because I made these stories up in a day.

I thought I lost my pocket knife today. Now I won’t tell you where but it would be serious trouble. There I was feeling around in my pocket and no blade. Could it be in a chair, the parking lot, my car, the house? Would I be on camera; my fingerprints are all over it, Inspector Echo. It turns out; it was under a paper towel here at the house. Now, why would I go all crazy over a pocket knife? Is it because I’m me or what everybody thinks about me by now? Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, becomes phone, wallet, keys, and knife? Life comes down to the smallest things, last week that was B III. I still hate the vet for thinking I would harm my son. Hell, whenever I leave the house, I pray for Triple B’s safety, but there is so much more to see.

109 Sections and counting; that’s around 327 Words? I’ve seen trouble for more and less Inspector Echo. I’m at the Day Job thinking that at any second the cops are going to burst in and congratulations will be in order. Now isn’t that another way to look at being booked? I’ve said some sexist, stupid, downright SKEEVY things about women. I’m not President Trump though or any other Republican. Only as the song goes “if you got the inclination, I have got the crime.” More often than not, the end of the world has come with a button press. At least I have seen that every so often but I’m still here. Worry, Regret, Fear, I gotta enemies, gotta lot of enemies to keep up the quotes. The truth is though I will always be the worse for sure Echo.

What about my fucked up free tickets (LANGUAGE)? Yes, it’s my fault, and now I have to deal with Office Depot sending my order to the wrong store. I apologize for my lack of positive energy. Killing myself slowly with worries while I ask once more, Why Worry? Write Will.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 353 ~Will Of It All~

“What are you thinking” are scary words these days but I’m still keeping my mouth shut at work because if I didn’t, hell it would be worst than my Pinterest titles and those are making my head hurt. “Will Of It All”

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Episode 353 ~Will Of It All~

Forgive Me Echo,
I Am A Millionaire right now because I can afford a maid. Hell topless maids, a whole damn cleaning service (Language). I’m getting lazy about that too but another day. Didn’t I mention I haven’t talked to “Okay” in forever? One more woman I scared off but again some other time. While I’m busy committing crimes that most Republicans applaud, my head hurts. Do you know the saying, heavy the head that wears the crown? What about, the world on my shoulders? Did the angel and devil gain some weight these days?

Too many questions and since I broke NO FAP, both heads have been struggling. Again my three major sins so let’s start with LUST. Over eighty-five sections in one Pinterest board and the names are getting lame. How many dirty words can you rhyme with J or K I ask? Even if I come up with a good one, I lack the guts to write it down. I should go back to watching porn, so I believe. All the “allowances” I give myself; it’s not XVideos, Pornhub, and how I miss Motherless. Sigh and tonight is freebie night too. What I don’t miss is people but again LUST, GREED, and SLOTH. It hasn’t stopped me from imagining MILF Dos though. When’s the last time, I saw breasts “on purpose?” The world is knocking me down lower Inspector Echo without a doubt.

I don’t miss the Alamo Fund not being across from me. It’s sitting in the bank and how I want so much more money. My motivations, I have that money, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting everything. My GREED goes hand and hand with my LUST. What about my dreams of power? How my ANGER kicks in, and everything is saying stay positive? Okay B III is doing better and won’t require a vet but more meds. Tomorrow I find out how much I made at the Day Job. I haven’t worked on my novel today. There’s always food, but I’m a starving artist.

More so a sleepy one to be honest. My ANGER had me ready to attack the world. Only a Hot Pocket and an unmade bed, so SLOTH, I’m here now though, and there is so much to do Inspector. As always though I need to apologize for betraying myself. Weight Of It All Inspector Echo, Will Of It All.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 346 ~Making A Willing Investment~

Last week I talked about community property, and I’m still all for keeping what’s mine which for now is a whole lot of green, but I don’t trust in God, his servants or Trump’s government so what comes next? Making A Willing Investment

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Episode 346 ~Making A Willing Investment~

Forgive Me Echo,
I Am A Millionaire right now because I make sound financial decisions. This year I started the 52 Week Money Challenge for $1,378. There’s the 365 Day Penny Challenge for $667.95. I was going by fives, $5, 10, 15, each week, of course, $275 is waiting for Outskirts Press. As Rotti Largo sang “made a fortune and counted it.” When I do invest in myself, there’s NaNoWriMo gear, work clothes, the car, and writing. Of course, there’s B III who is my greatest treasure, and I keep him inside away from people.

My sin is not that I’m complaining about money. No Inspector Echo there is more than enough, but I want more. Hell, my sin could be Second Circle Creations, I’m sure I got that confused with the SEC. Not being into sports is a blessing. The name though I “stole” sort of from Abyss Creations. Yeah, I’m not to the point of giving up on people forever. Of course, you know what the Second Circle of Hell is; LUST. You remember 365 poems I wrote, The Bedroom Soapbox and who has over $3,000 of mine? Can you say Lars and the Real Girl but I spent a few hundred on actual tits. How about the closet for my future submissive? “Okay,” knows all about my fashion choices and books. It’s why I have a coffee table with books and a colorful closet but no models.

My sin still stands at the fact that I haven’t called Outskirts Press back. Again give me someone to trust, and I’m in Inspector Echo. I don’t fear failure; I fear people. Do you know how many blew up my Instagram when I followed PCH with money-making opportunities? Every day after I do a new Writing Reason, 1 -3 scammers send links on Whisper. I follow a cosplayer, and three new half-naked chicks are wanting to follow me. That’s it, you know it’s not the loss of money but the expectation of everybody else wanting me to give. I talked before about how people are walking around with billions. Still, the middle and lower amongst us must provide charity. Dennis Hof had it right, Inspector Echo; I like breasts. Guys, and girls like breasts, how can I get paid well.

Am I Republican? Nope, Inspector Echo, I am sorry though, about money making, money taking. The truth, I need to be Making A Willing Investment.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 339 ~Wills Of The Community~

If I wanted the community behind me, let it be for one of my books and not my son’s cuteness, but they both have a bite, to be honest, and if I ever have two-legged children, hell I might be a smidge overprotective. “Wills Of The Community”

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Episode 339 ~Wills Of The Community~

Forgive Me Echo,
I AM a Millionaire right now because I’m one for sharing, well selling, to be honest. You want to know a secret; I tried to sell my soul to the Devil once. The problem is I abhor bloodshed, well mine; I think that’s from The Three Musketeers. Such is my sin for yesteryear. Think And Grow Rich says, prayer is the tool of the desperate. Still, anytime we speak our wishes out into the UNIVERSE. The Infinite Intelligence whatever “God,” we’re asking.

It’s the reason I say a “prayer” for B III every day. I am saying that I still have to get off my ass (Language) and protect him. So that brings me to this morning’s events. Such was my failure at doing so when I was young (somewhere in my twenties) his fear of the world, my good ole S.A.D.

You see, when my mother was pregnant with my sister, I never rubbed her belly. Hell, I was five, my mom was fat. How I saw it plus I also owe an apology to that lady at the bank (she was only fat). My point is my mother’s belly became “Community Property,” carrying a kid and all. My sister was after she was born. I had to protect her from grabby churchgoers. Well, women get treated as such with new anti-abortion, clothes and The Handmaid’s Tale. Why did nobody inform me about all the sex? I’m still into No Fap.

Now I wouldn’t dare compare myself to the strife women go through. Only there I am walking Triple B today. So the kids are out, and every one of them wants to pet him. As Kanye West put it, “the only thing I wish, I wish a nigga would” (Language)? My son scared them. However, they still think he’s the cutest, but no means no. I still wish I could say that at work. I hate people touching me; you know the rule. Only with that said, I’m here every day, writing out my whole life and attempting to get published. I give my soul to the people. Some take certain parts out of context. I sound like Trump, “Nasty.”

Worse, what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine, I heard somewhere. Inspector you know I only want not more but everything. Well speaking of nasty or out of context, any woman has a price. I’m sorry, I’m learning but the Wills Of The Community.

The Rule:
If you’re not my dog, my girl, or applying for the position, don’t touch me, like at all.

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 260 ~Don’t Mistake Stupidity For Courage~

How I wish my courage had held today, all day long there were delusions of grandeur of being an “Adult Entertainment” Entrepreneur and if you think that’s “stupid” you should have seen me at the day job. Don’t Mistake Stupidity For Courage.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Episode 260 ~Don’t Mistake Stupidity For Courage~

Seventy-Sixth Rule Madam Justice

How To Make One Million Dollars, sell-out I’ll admit Madam Justice. If you told me I could have everything I wanted, monetarily speaking if I found God, I would. Make me a member of the 1% percent. I would be more paranoid than usual I bet. Leaving to go to the day job is the definition of stupidity for courage. I’m dealing with people I hate. All on the premise that I’m getting stronger… I’ve wilted more in that place.

Much like Happiness, Love, and Life, COURAGE is something I can’t find. Only STUPIDITY much like yesterday. (The 13th Wednesday, staying ahead of this horrible week). I’m not going to lie Madam Justice. I spent all that money because I wanted to feel better. I do want to take up gaming again, and a pretty girl. Hell, most of my idiocy stems from Beautiful Girls. Yes I know I keep repeating myself. Butterfree blocked, Brazzers skeevy, and I can do worse. If I had to guess today at the day job you stood your ground as best you could. You endured a plethora of moronic moments. Still, this was you attempting to be a man. At the start of today, you asked only one thing.

I read once, that courage is sometimes a quiet voice saying I’ll try again. Only to me, sounds like my feet hitting the floor. I’m reminding myself constantly to pick up my boots and being too exhausted to remember. So I drag them along, that’s the end of Inventory. It’s lighting that match and raining down Hell on others. Enduring the fire, and sometimes it’s your pyre. How I wish I would let my face attempt to go red. Better than the other stupid stuff I do with my eyes and mouth. Madam Justice, it’s treating every girl like fucking Medusa (LANGUAGE). They can make me hard as a rock, but I will go no further. If I have learned anything, wanting HEAD from one is nothing compared to the girl for me I know.

Yes I know the story of Medusa, I was always one for the Greek myths. It beats all the vexing things I spouted. However, notice sometimes courage only means you stand while a stupid man goes places. Where do I reside… Brainbuddy? I’ll give up Fappening but porn? Let it be in others stupidity that I find what it means to be brave. No that doesn’t pan out either. Tom Bilyeu says every moment is a moment for courage. So I can attack in any direction. But I must learn at some point Madam Justice, Don’t Mistake Stupidity For Courage.

“I worship individuals for their highest possibilities as individuals and I loathe humanity for its failure to live up to these possibilities.”
— Ayn Rand (Goodreads)

I Will Have No Fear

Episode 253 ~Being Alive Is Quite Expensive~

I’m not sure I did it and almost doesn’t count, but I spent nearly eight hours today surviving so that one day I might live, and what would I do with that time… I have plenty of could be classics ready to go ha. “Being Alive Is Quite Expensive.”

Monday, March 11, 2019

Episode 253 ~Being Alive Is Quite Expensive~

Seventy-Fifth Rule Madam Justice

How To Make One Million Dollars, in a word from Darius Rucker “Time.” In every breath, and as “THEY” always say blood, sweat, and tears. Forgoing any other bodily fluids but we’ll get to that. What about the things that make me feel alive? To be honest with you Madam Justice, death isn’t looking so bad right now but in reality. I’m only tired; as I said last week, I’m only human. Sleep is yet another addiction I’ll have to overcome, again we’ll get there.

It begins with time and how much of that am I spending on my work. Of course, I talk to my girls every day. Still on novels, news about them, nonsense that could be anything from poetry to short stories. There’s getting girls to take off their clothes. No, it wasn’t about that this morning, groaning, grinding, getting out my Fleshlight. I did Meditate, move that scale on my latest read. I even made the bed, and I’m still breathing, right. All of this to become a better “human.” Other than working up a sweat walking B III, I do feel like crying because I’m exhausted. Sadly the day has only begun, but that’s the price, and I’m so greedy.

Yesterday I made a list because I was beginning to forget all these things I’m relying on to stay. What motivated, marginalized and liking it, beats being ME. Anyway, so there’s Patreon because I wanted to look at Cosplayer boobs. Spotify because work sucks. Prime as I desired games sooner. New Brainbuddy to control my feelings towards boobs. If it’s not dollars, I again look to time. I do exercises for my mind, work that makes me want to die. FEAR though, now you wouldn’t think that being afraid and sleep would go together. No, I only see monsters when I’m awake, in the mirror.

How about when I talked about not being a thief. However, I could tell you some stories about MOTHERLESS and True Teen Babes. The way I started my porn stash. Why yes I’ve stolen things other than porn, and I’ll get more into that Wednesday. The idea is today, buying a few more hours. Begging my body to keep going, and “stealing…” well, no it’s a seven-day free trial. That’s how I’m getting by. I’m surviving, and it’s as if I have to win back my life. Somehow that price of having it to keep, Being Alive Is Quite Expensive.

I Will Have No Fear