WARNING: 18+ For elements of the novel I’m writing. If you don’t know what Bible Black is, I’d advise you to go no further. Me, on the other hand… I can do worse. But it’s in the name of providing for my boys. My family… Braxton And Virgil’s Mistakes
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Meditation 148 ~Braxton And Virgil’s Mistakes~
Dear Future Wife,
You know that I love you, right? But boys will be boys… When it comes to Braxton… What Makes A Good Man?
I do! Braxton is a good man. And even Virgil, who was busy crying today, is a better man than me. I hope it was because he was scared of a lizard. Hell! I was terrified, but I protected my son. But how do I protect you and ours from…
Chapter Seventeen: What Goes In Her Body?
Antonio watches as Sofía is violated before taking his revenge and violating Sofía himself. Before Cherry murders him.
- From Antonio’s POV. Begin in a mockup of a hospital room. Sofía, in a hospital gown, is forced into sex with three fake doctors.
- Antonio, dressed as a patient, watches, remarking on the doctors’ brutality with Sofía. Antonio thinks about how he’s taken William’s place masturbating to Sofía.
- The fake doctors are rewarded by using Sofía multiple times as she attempts to fight them. The men are Richard Thornfield’s most loyal bodyguards.
- The doctors orgasm multiple times with Sofía. As they finally stop to rest. Antonio orgasms by himself before reaching for the shotgun Cherry bought.
- Before the doctors can react, Antonio shoots all three of them and walks over to Sofía. Antonio says no other man will touch her.
- Sofía realizes that Antonio is the stalker she was protected from. Sofía blames Antonio for being sexually trafficked since taking Richard Thornfield’s Max-Mart job.
- Antonio has sex with Sofía as he admits that all he wanted to do was be with her after all this time. His obsession.
- The sex becomes more brutal as Antonio begins to flashback to the first time he saw Sofía. He recounts the times their paths crossed.
- Antonio finishes and lies beside Sofía, who is too weak to move after the multiple violations. Sofía begins begging for everything to be over.
- Antonio says he can never forgive her, Richard Thornfield, William, or himself. But that Cherry allowed him to have her and see her last.
- Antonio uses Sofía’s mouth to pleasure himself and have one more release orgasming on her face. Antonio then pulls a knife to kill Sofía.
- Sofía struggles against Antonio’s strength. Before Antonio can stab Sofía, he is shot multiple times by Cherry. Antonio dies watching Cherry rescue Sofía leaving.
I’m a terrible man… sick writer. I’ve no right to mention Braxton And Virgil’s Mistakes.
1395 Days Without B III, Day 836 of Virgil’s Arrival
B.L.M. Braxton’s Life Matters,