Tale 316 ~That’ll B Mom, Virgil~

Happy Mother’s Day! I’m grateful for my Mom. I never met the moms of my two boys, “biological speaking.” And as far as finding them a stepmom. I haven’t been in the mood to go places or watch porn. And there’s stuff with my Pa… That’ll B Mom, Virgil.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Tale 316 ~That’ll B Mom, Virgil~

To Will:
It’s the Man In The Mirror… I’m not your mother or your monster, especially after yesterday. If anything, you need a moment. Right.

But today, let’s focus on your Ma. The one who has always been there, doing what mothers do. She gave you life, a gift that can never be repaid. She’s the one who forgives your mistakes when the monsters won’t. You were raised by the best, and yesterday, I swear… Let’s talk about it. No! Today is Mother’s Day! And it should be about her. What about Braxton? Every day…

You understand why he needed a mom. Virgil does, too. A mom is the ultimate comfy spot. All remember that. I suppose. The makers of men and women. First mattresses. Along with having something to stick in your mouth. Otherwise, you get Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Backyard Dungeon 8: A Reverse Portal Fantasy by Logan Jacobs
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Life Story
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 000, No Fap). Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 007 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

That’s why you might find it hard to find the right words for your Ma today. You’ll text Happy Mother’s Day as usual. But what comes next? After yesterday, I understand why you might hesitate to open your mouth. It’s not her fault what happened yesterday. And yet she’s caught in the middle between father and son. Your father, yourself, her grandson Braxton. And Virgil?

Much like your nephew, he has yet to learn your role. You’re his mother’s brother, but when did you last talk to your sister? Now, your adopted sister, AKA Braxton’s Aunt. I swear the way Braxton would look at her sometimes. “Why can’t she be my mom, daddy?” I’m sure he would ask. Because you are such a good man with these Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Backyard Dungeon 9 (Is Done) Bikini Nights by Michael Dalton
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Life Story
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 007, No Fap). Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Honor thy father AND THY MOTHER! B’s Aunt is a mom. And you have to send so many messages today. Besides your Ma and your actual sister… Does M Anime want to be a mom? Cherry doesn’t, but she loves her Mum dearly. You love your Mom, but… There is no but when it comes to that. Only you want to say more, don’t you?

“The truth and a lie are not sort of the same thing.” You can’t be both a mistake and a miracle. Yesterday, you were one.

Today, you yearn to be the other, the miracle. And your Ma loves you, no matter what. If only you could love yourself as she does. You once loved like that; his name was Braxton. Sigh. That’ll B Mom, Virgil

1197 Days Without B III, Day 638 of Virgil’s Arrival

B.L.M. Braxton’s Life Matters,

Tale 315 ~Braxton and Virgil DISH~

Dish, gab, spill! Every day I exist, I realize why I was cursed… uh, blessed, with bad teeth. Everyone TELLS me to talk, and when I do… I understand why Virgil is so quiet until I leave. And Braxton would bark at everything. “Braxton and Virgil DISH”

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Tale 315 ~Braxton and Virgil DISH~

Hey Lady Lu,
I AM a Billionaire right now… Sigh. As far away as I am from that “goal.” I still want my own channel.

Pure Taboo meets Reagan Kathryn, Jessica Nigri, Court Carmody, Mariah Mallad, Jahara Jayde, and I could go on. And I could do so much MORE, Lady Luna. I’m still shocked.

My world feels shattered, Lady Luna. I’m overwhelmed, so I find solace in the world of cosplayers and streamers. But I’m not ‘streaming’ all over the place, Lunalesca. You know.

This DISH Network situation is like my Braxton. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone. Did I ever mention that Braxton liked to watch wrestling? I don’t remember who fought the night of Friday, January 29, 2021. That’s when I found out that my firstborn son was dying.

You don’t know how badly I wish I could follow him this day. And why? To dish with my father.

Remember the song ‘Dance with My Father?’ That’s all Braxton wanted to do, Lady Lunalesca. And yet, I’m filled with fear when it comes to talking to my own father. Why? Because I always feel like everything is ‘my’ fault.

Name three things that are mine: Braxton, Blame, and the Bed. Trust me, Lady Lunalesca, with as much time as I spend here, it’s mine. Even Virgil knows that. Whenever Virgil knows I’m about to fall asleep, he jumps out to find other accommodations. It makes me wonder, Lunalesca. He stays away from B’s bed. Smart! He jumps out of mine at bedtime, Lady Luna.

I’m supposed to read on the loveseat and watch TV from bed unless Braxton’s Aunt is here. And Braxton wouldn’t mind her joining us in bed. Braxton wanted a mom.

That’s one more promise I couldn’t keep to Braxton. As a Dad, I failed him. I didn’t have much of a chance at being a husband. And as a man… Nope, I’m calling my father.

Lunalesca, it could be worse. I could disturb Ma, but tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Sigh.

It always comes back to money. I don’t have anything I could give Ma. Braxton?

Grandbaby that he was because, again, look around. The fence he once guarded is falling across the yard. The very floor he once walked on I destroyed with fear, Lunalesca.

Even the TV he watched… No Raw, NXT, or Smackdown. And when his Dad isn’t reading. I watch Raven, Lulu, Aerith… “Relations.” The failure, THAT’S ME! Braxton and Virgil DISH

1196 Days Without B III, Day 637 of Virgil’s Arrival

B.L.M. Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 319 ~Braxton’s Mom Before Virgil’s~

I wasn’t a good man when Braxton was here. But I was far better than now. Listening to audiobooks. Todd discusses the difference between an orgy and a gangbang. Surprised I don’t have a wife yet. I Wish B had met her. “Braxton’s Mom Before Virgil’s.”

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Saga 319 ~Braxton’s Mom Before Virgil’s~

Dear Future Wife,
I AM a Billionaire right now but before… Well, I was a different “man.” I’d even say less of one. Being honest

And not fair at all. If anything, I don’t want to go sounding like the GOP. But I have always been one for the Nuclear family unit. Two parents and 2.5 kids. Half? Please, Braxton! Yeah, if you don’t know by now and you do. You being you. I had to find a woman that got me. Anyway, Braxton was/is my whole world. Only this world got a lot bigger. Today marks 835 days without my firstborn son. My Braxton. How I wish you could have met him. Would it be easier? Me being a single father. Hell! Should I even say it like that? And today of all days? I’m time traveling. So it’s Sunday, May 14, 2023. How about it’s Mother’s Day? Hmm?

I wish I could say I’ve been busier. You are the mother of all our beautiful children. I did say 2.5. Right? With all the money we have… I want a lot. Fatherhood and manhood. And speaking of things I should stop thinking… My GOP ideology. But I have money. Or is it my father’s? Money equals love. Has he ever felt that? Unconditional love… I wished my Ma a Happy Mother’s Day, and she would beat my ass thinking of my Old Man as such. Only I look at what I’m asking of you. Well, that I’m hoping you’ll feel. Braxton. A love for the furry son you’ve never met, and here I have Virgil Vivi amongst all our two-legged children. “What is Love?”

I shouldn’t have to ask that, and I don’t. At least not when it comes to me pouring the Bisquick and you making pancakes. I do mean the kids that we made together. “My Love.” But why do you think I call B pancake? He couldn’t haven’t been more mine. Braxton, He’s My Son. He will always be. I sing, “Nothing’s gonna change my world.” But the “man” I am, and the woman I hold you to be… To love Braxton as I do. Virgil? I don’t have favorites when it comes to our children. Friend, favorite parent, a father. Love my Braxton. Love our kids, love me, and love Virgil. Could you love the man I was, where you were Braxton’s Mom Before Virgil’s?

835 Days Without B III, Day 276 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 317 ~Mommy, B III, Vivi…~

Think Mom. The fact that I even remembered and that’s because I hung signs at the Day Job. And if mom had a chance to rethink it… uh, that would be another conversation. My sister should be an only child… But my worries today? Mommy, B III, Vivi

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Saga 317 ~Mommy, B III, Vivi…~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now, so it’s all about me. What about you? Always the selfish prick. There’s Ma, Braxton, Virgil Vivi…

What is a list of your priorities? What about a list of your loves? V’s not there yet. Ouch! Okay, um, start over… Today is Mother’s Day. That’s the truth you can hold on to. Millionaires and Billionaires take care of their Olds. Something else you need to look up. Oh, that’s right; what have you been looking up today? I know this is so “freaking” hard right now. For the love of everything, will you stop for a sec? Take a deep breath. Hmm… It’s Mother’s Day, and as the song goes, “I’ll Always Love My Mama.” Facts, thankfully. But what else can you say about your Ma? Besides her paying some, if not all, of your bills, sigh… List? Like Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING Mesmerizing Caroline – The Contract (Erotica)
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 128 No Fap)* Real Girls Are An Exception
    Failed (Day 002 No Fap)
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

As I said, plain selfish. But wasn’t I yesterday? Last night as I sat meditating, I was told to think positively about a good friend. My effing mind didn’t think of B or V. Friend? Anyway, it wasn’t my Ma either. Only it was a mom. Braxton’s Aunt Carolina. Great. Now what about that list? There’s your Ma, Braxton’s Aunt, and your sister. Not to mention all the other moms you know from one place or another. Facebook, Instagram… Onlyfans? Yes, you’re going to get to that. If only you had the time. Your Ma had time for you, hmm? There’s something pretty effed up you wanted to say, but not today. You’re here, alive. But what does that mean? For her? Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE VIEWING (Determining)
  2. I WILL BE VETTING Pictures, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE VENDING Gulp: Poetry Book
  4. I WILL BE VOWING To Keep Pants On (Day 002 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE VALUING My Flesh Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE VALIANT Being The Man My Son Thinks I Am

You owe your Ma. So tell yourself the truth. Where is all of your money, moments, and manhood going? At least your sister gave her grandchildren. What was Braxton? Family. And even now, the only family you’re concerned with is a plethora of MILFS. Today? Please! There’s been one in a video here or there. Uh… But it’s been about women you want to make mothers. Breeding has never been an all-consuming fetish of yours. You should save this conversation for another time, but still. Gifts for mothers, particularly yours? What about the truth? That’s what’s bothering you this morning. Cherry doesn’t want motherhood and now knows you’re STUPID. Eurovision? Where’s B III’s Aunt today? And M Anime? Happy Mother’s Day. Mommy, B III, Vivi…

833 Days Without B III, Day 274 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 316 ~B Said Mama, V~

The first girl that won B over I’d choose. The first two were related to us. The third, he was leading to the bedroom. “What, Daddy, what’s wrong with her?” Never got to a fourth. Hasn’t been a woman in this house since he’s been gone. B Said Mama, V

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Saga 316 ~B Said Mama, V~

Hey Lady Lu,
I AM a Billionaire right now. As you know, Lady Lunalesca, we Billionaires are the biggest crybabies. I already started for Braxton…

Well, at least he’s part of why I’m crying now. Hell! He didn’t see me cry the day we met. I have to ease up on meditation. Last night, during the session, I was told to think of something that made me feel good. I’m sad to admit that B was nowhere to be found. What I thought about was being in bed sleeping. It could be worse, Lady Lunalesca. Already as the song goes, “Pretend that we’re dead.” I was that before Braxton. After… But anyway, the night I first met him, I couldn’t cry. He was this little “ball of fluff” I always wanted, even if I forgot. And there he was, being hugged by his new mom. I’ll be a monkey’s uncle…

If that. A brother or the other human that he had. Because the question became, “Where is your mother?” Braxton’s mom was everywhere. Now I didn’t mean that the way it sounded… Don’t my nephews have two different daddies? Shut-up! So B III’s mom, ha. What about my Ma? I haven’t seen her since Granddaddy’s funeral on Monday, January 30, 2023. Lunalesca, I’m sure I’ve talked to her after that. I’m a “man” who wants a family but can’t provide for one, that’s for damn sure. I have $5,000 in my name. Feeling lucky, hmm? And again, manhood and fatherhood. Nope! I texted her about the garbage bill. I think. But as far as getting a hug from her. I smelled worse than the corpse.

That was so not cool, I know. I still think about what I said to M Anime’s racial slur. Yep. You know Lady Lunalesca, I want to do much more than hug her; when it came to Braxton and his Aunt Carolina’s yabbos. Hell! He would have called her Ma as he led her to the bedroom. I do miss her “platonic” hugs. And I always said I would find him a hug. One more promise that I didn’t keep. Write a damn tab. No, I’m not mad, Luna. Looking at the date, and I’m cold. I don’t get enough hugs. My voice is like ice, to be sure. And something’s hard like ice. Finding a mom for Braxton… and Virgil. B Said Mama, V

832 Days Without B III, Day 273 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Saga 312 ~Braxton Would Cheat, Virgil~

Braxton couldn’t cheat death; none of us can. On people, pay, and pleasures. I’ve never been one for Love and Happiness. But I am Hopelessly Devoted to You… if your name is grief or a specific pleasure. Cheater? Braxton Would Cheat, Virgil.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Saga 312 ~Braxton Would Cheat, Virgil~

Dear Future Wife,
I AM a Billionaire right now. But I wouldn’t even need that to be my old man. He cheated on my Ma.

Yeah, this ain’t the week for this. Right? And this was a long time ago. I have a half-brother I’ve never met, around college age. No love there. Love and time, isn’t that right, love? Other than being a provider, I don’t want to be anything like my “father.” Never. Cheating, though? I was thinking about that Sunday, May 7, 2023. Not like that… Please! I have many views on such, but I’m not talking about love. Love. No, the other love. My B III. How often have I said Virgil’s name today compared to B’s? Uh, Good Morning. Hell! Even before you, there was Braxton. Then us… And with Virgil Vivi, there was, “V, you need a bath? I’ll take you to get one.”

It’s all that walking in the yard. At some point, it’s going to get mowed. Such a little thing, a husband mowing the lawn. I was raised on TRADITION! Fiddler on the Roof, I’m sorry. Not for the singing. Nope! That’s always been me. Pop Culture Whore… We’ll get there. I mean for cheating on life, not you, my wife but life with death. Oh, I’m in love with it. The only reason to wake up is that I move a bit closer to it. Step by Step… more music? Yeah. Ma was a big fan of The Preacher’s Wife and Whitney Houston. I remember. Anyway, I have to get her something for Mother’s Day. And you as well. A mom to such beautiful children.

I’ll forever be grateful that they take after you and not me. Do I feel cheated? Not at all, love. Now, Braxton, I swear I think he was in love with Aunt Carolina. Those boobies? Someday, I won’t be so juvenile when it comes to those. Oh, like one day I won’t think about B? That’s like telling me not to think about sex ever. Ask Cherry about that, ha-ha. It’s like me wanting to have a threesome or thoughts of us becoming “Swingers,” right? I mean, not now. And I’m not a cheat. Not with you, and again there’s B, but here is V. Like the song, Is This Love? Could You Be Loved? Braxton’s big heart. Mine’s broken. Death. Braxton Would Cheat, Virgil

828 Days Without B III, Day 269 of Virgil’s Arrival

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Chronicle 311 ~B A Little Faster~

Well, it’s Mother’s Day, and I’m late getting mine a gift… I never knew Triple B’s furry mom, and again I’m late finding him a human mom. Oh, and I shouldn’t forget B’s two aunts. Both are moms. I’m always running around or away. “B A Little Faster.”

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Chronicle 311 ~B A Little Faster~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now. But what is taking you so long? Today you couldn’t wait to get to the dinner table.

You sound like “The Man.” That’s what Braxton is, “The Man.” You have to keep saying “is,” you know. He’s out there. Or at least that’s what you’ve bought into for the foreseeable future. When you get the chance, you need to go over my dreams. Time enough at last? Ha! If anything, you are always late when it comes to everything. But the damnable Day Job. The things you are late for, if we start with today. Yeah, it’s Mother’s Day and your gift? What about the money you were supposed to send elsewhere? Conversation needed? Yeah, and not like it’s helping, but where’s your Cranberry juice? Cappuccino wanted. Now yeah, you can balk at me all you want, like with Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE Finishing When Your Pet Dies: A Guide to Mourning, Remembering…
  2. I WILL BE Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE Sending Gulp Off To Be Published
  4. I WILL BE Keeping It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE The Man My Son Thinks I Am

One, of course, always goes by the quickest. Is there a lot to say about your dead B III? Braxton is the best man you know. Fifteen years, eleven months, and add on another 462 days for him. Every day there is another reason to miss him; To remember. And I know you won’t commit this to memory (sigh). How about this if you ever go back to Whisper and finish the books I laid out. 352 reasons to miss B III? You’ll keep that like you keep your fingers out of your ears. The last thing you need is to pay $175.00 to turn your ear into a Bukkake scene again. Okay, that’s an example of something you won’t say. But Six Impossible Things:

  1. I WILL BE Finishing Pet Loss Poems: To Heal Your Heart and Soul
  2. I WILL BE Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I WILL BE Sending Gulp Off To Be Published
  4. I WILL BE Keeping It In My Pants (Day 001 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL BE Getting A Tattoo Of My Son Little B III
  6. I WILL BE The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Now starting back at one: I read, run, and remember my son. As I was able to raise such a man as he. If you remember such a man as your B III? What does that say about you today? Today, I would like to say that you can’t be as bad as you think. B III loves you always… You believe that life moves way too fast, and in a way, that’s true enough. The gas station yesterday? Humiliations Galore! You run from battle. Think of it more as you run a step or two behind Braxton. That is why you fail. It’s your duty, privilege, honor, your fucking job to protect him. What are you running to? Meet him. B A Little Faster

462 Days Without B III

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Gospel 312 ~Mother’s Work B Grinning~

Not exactly what you want to hear on Mother’s Day. I mean, I love my Ma. Braxton loved grandmommy and his second mom. I never met his first one, but to give birth to such a soul as B III… Mother’s Work B Grinning; did B find her on the Rainbow Bridge

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Gospel 312 ~Mother’s Work B Grinning~

To Will:
I AM a Billionaire right now. Even if you get on my level, you can’t turn back time. Never met Braxton’s furry mom.

No, today is the day for B III’s first mom, aka your sister. She’s got two kids now, but first came Braxton. I liked to think that you’ve grown beyond grading mothers on everything. You can’t say much about your sis other than your nephews are happy; um, judgy much? Anyway, when it came to Braxton, she was pretty protective and demanding. With everything your “father” has dinged you on, he only ever came down on her because of B.

The days when B had to make a decision on who he would stay with. Yep, he left Sis’s nest. Or maybe he felt I needed more protection. Didn’t I say yesterday Mother is God in a child’s eyes? You’re a TITAN… Six Impossible Things:

  1. I AM Finishing Reading, Succubus Lord 14: Swimsuit Edition
  2. I AM Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published SIGH
  4. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 128 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
    Completed (Day 135) No Fap
  5. I WILL Cut The Backyard Lawn This Week
  6. I WILL Be The Man My Son Thinks I Am

Yeah, those say otherwise, and what would your Ma think? When it came to Braxton… that he was the cutest thing ever. Even when he tried to take my thumb off, Ma got ready to go and grab him up. But she did forget about her grandson as well. Again you said you weren’t going to do this. These are B III’s memories. Not that he cared when Ma called me “Braxton’s Brother” instead of “Uncle.” I was on Braxton’s level. Then again, you hold B higher than any human walking the planet. But then there is Ma, right. Braxton loved them both, and though I loved him like pancakes, it was never enough. Dear Braxton needed a forever mom, but yeah, Six Impossible Things:

  1. I AM Finishing Reading, Melody Exposed by Imogen Linn
  2. I AM Finishing Gathering, My Braxton’s Albums
  3. I AM Sending Gulp Off To Be Published SIGH
  4. I AM Keeping It In My Pants (Day 135 No Fap) Real Girls Are An Exception
  5. I WILL Cut The Backyard Lawn This Week
  6. I WILL Be The Man My Son Thinks I Am

The last time I talked to my sister was last month or so… getting another kid. And I could get another sister. How long did it take me to find B’s Aunt Indiana Gone? Happy Mother’s Day Indiana. I hope you and yours are happy. So many holidays around her. As for your Ma, B’s sweet grandmommy. Happy Mother’s Day, though. I’m sure I’ll never let you read this. She’s glad you’re still alive, and she loves you. Of course, you know better than to question that ever again. A mom gives life… you, oh what did you do? This might sound like bargaining, but if only I had found Braxton another mom sooner, might he have lived? To grieve unalone. Mother’s Work B Grinning

BLM Braxton’s Life Matters,

Log 315 ~No Rest For The Wicked~

My first day back at the Day Job officially, and I hope I’m not sick. Maybe the zombies will finally take the planet, which is far more likely than my finishing a book for publication, don’t you think? No Rest For The Wicked.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Log 315 ~No Rest For The Wicked~

Hundred And Thirty-Sixth Rule

Madam Justice,
I AM a Billionaire right now, but I can’t be evil; I sleep way too much. Then again, I know plenty of sinners that sleep like babies. Am I saying that all rich people are evil… was it hard choosing sides between Captain America and Ironman? SIGH that has me thinking about the Day Job. No, I’m not a superhero, not even an ESSENTIAL worker, I’m only in retail. So how was my first day back? Well, seeing’s it’s Saturday right now, and last night I wanted to vomit looking at my schedule. As I talked about yesterday, being “Status Quo” is one thing. What evil things do keep me up at night?

The worse would have to be when My Dæmon isn’t feeling well. It means I’m forgetting what it is to be a father when I can’t help him. All of yesterday, I was figuring out how to buy his meds. I bought food, shared fries, let him hog the bed. Still, he’s an old man, and I’m fighting time. Speaking of time, what am I doing for Mother’s Day? One of those “holy” holidays I forgot about while talking to Dear Future Wife? The good news is, I haven’t forgotten, seeing again I know what day it is. Only what do I think about what my Mom told me yesterday about my grandfather? Should I be broken up, destroyed about my Granddad having the Coronavirus (COVID-19)? I told everyone about the man who said, and I quote, “I don’t know you,” and that’s not him being old. Family… what family?

No Lady Sophia I’m too busy looking at Girls, Girls, Girls, all night. I swear I can’t go to sleep until I, well? Afterward, I still don’t want to sleep, as Dennis Hof said, he goes looking for the next party. It’s like The Matrix; all I see is blonde, brunette, redhead. Same with my stories, didn’t I mention Indiana Gone, Whisper Girl, and Cherry. I write about the things I would like to do to women and then crickets, tumbleweeds, utter silence. I would never consider silence as my fear, but people treat it as a sin. If I want to talk about sin, though, what about the things I do to myself. Hell, it’s why I’m still alive.

If I ever published a book or built a brothel? No Rest For The Wicked.

I Will Have No Fear

Lesson 314 ~A Prescription For Crazy~

Love is a pretty big topic amongst other things when did life get to be so complicated; it’s when people tried to explain it and not to mention pretty offensive, as the songs there are too many prophets here. “A Prescription For Crazy”

Friday, May 11, 2018

Lesson 314 ~A Prescription For Crazy~

Hey Lady Sophia,
Can You Love Me Again, well if it works for “some” teachers… but honestly I have never pictured myself as a teacher, how my dog got so smart is beyond me and the only training guide I wanted was “Command Performance” when I was a kid, only we went with the rolled up newspaper guide. Anyway, the thing is if I couldn’t learn how to train my dog correctly, and I love him like pancakes, how will I ever learn to become a writer about things beyond me; so I read this.

“The bigger the issue, the smaller you write. Remember that. You don’t write about the horrors of war. No. You write about a kid’s burnt socks lying on the road. You pick the smallest manageable part of the big thing, and you work off the resonance.” ― from Richard Price

Yesterday, for example, I wrote “Pockets Full of Miracles” and while I could be the stereotypical African-American male… my “meat is murder” by the way. Instead, I promoted safe sex, e.g., condoms. When I talk about bed it shouldn’t be about that queen size I have waiting for me but more the droop of my eyelids, every single step becoming harder than the last. “Indiana Gone,” asked me why I say, I love my dog like pancakes. I don’t have to speak how he’s my world but the way I now protect my pancakes is how I protect my dog, and I couldn’t love him more if I poured the Bisquick to make him; The Walking Dead, I’m a fan.

Speaking of love, I’ve been wondering how to tell my mother I love her without going broke, a Kindle with Black Panther, some great black writers, with her sorority, Alabama, and the Black Panther symbols on it? How about a Black Panther Mother’s Day basket; how often do I talk about spending money on women and I have a sister too that has my nephew. Wasn’t I suppose to be talking about writing, but that’s just the thing, with such subjects one could spend forever and a day writing and never cover it, so you start small, my bank account.

If I wanted to write what is wrong with my country, I could do that in two words, Donald Trump, and then you expand on it, racism, Nazism, lies, hate and the world practically builds itself for better or worse. You want to write about crazy; you don’t start carving out your skull first. You start with one pill left lying in the bottle, the bullet in the gun, the creak of a wooden chair.

I didn’t mean to get so morbid, but we can take this as another lesson in writing can’t we Lady Sophia, A Prescription For Crazy.

I Will Have No Fear